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Fucked up...

Jace_The_Mochi September 10, 2020 7:01 am

I swear this is one fucked up story... He clearly loves her while she doing someone else, she's selfish as fuck and rude. They all fucked up in their own way... except for two

    Tai September 12, 2020 4:07 am

    its not clear to Doona that he loves her but also is it enough to love her if all he ever did was make her miserable and put her down? and just to be clear this isnt me saying "SO THIS IS WHAT HE DESEEEERVES" but rather that, i cant feel bad for him purely on the basis of him loving her Deep inside his heart or w/e cause neither his words nor his actions reflect it and the only reason the reader can maybe come to the conclusion that he has feelings for doona is because we are privy to information that she simply is not.