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No one is born wise!

Ray91 September 10, 2020 6:36 am

I'm gonna take a controversial opinion on this one, and I'll understand if I get a lot of down votes, but I don't think the guy is trash. When you are a teenager you say and do a lot of stupid things. Your hormones and feeling are all over the place and sometimes you lash out, which when carefully reading this story I think is what he did. I know actions speak louder then words, was it in poor taste to tell her that he liked her, yes, especially when she still has a boyfriend, but did he need to say it to grow up, think about his mistakes truly, how his words-even when he was a child-have consequences, and not to make the same mistakes again, yes, I truly think he did! If someone tells me they have never hurt someone especially when their in high school/ middle school they are not being honest! I have been on both ends of this scenario, I have said and done things I wish I could take back, and I have had words an actions done and said to me that were and are still very hurtful. That being said, as an adult for my own mental health I had decided to let them go, and although I do have lapses where I do feel down, I have to make the conscious decision to get past it and be a better person because of it.
Looking at this story, the guy, from what I saw did change his ways, he is a better friend as well as a more mature person that he was willing to apologies which is what he did (even if he f'd it up in the end) but she is not ok! We see that what happened in middle school still affect her, the immature comments of a asinine teenager still affect her and that can be seen in the way she eats as well as blowing up on this boy who apologized but still has feeling for her by repeating word for word the comments he said.
I honestly don't excuse bullying but I do believe for the betterment of the person who was being bullied is to let it go after a point, and if you see they have grown up and truly apologies then maybe not to hate them forever... I don't know I might just be talking out of my but, but that's how I felt. (▰˘◡˘▰)
