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Ok, I usually don't crap all over a persons personally, but this sister is really taking t...

Ray91 September 7, 2020 6:43 am

Ok, I usually don't crap all over a persons personally, but this sister is really taking the cake... and eating it too!!!
Let's start from the beginning, she is supperrrrr immature, mostly because the people around her have always sheltered her to the realities of the world!!! I was at the beginning trying to see her innocent and having an idealistic view of the world. But boy, did that change real quick!
She's entitled and narcissistic, but everybody is blowing smoke up her bum. "She want to help the pour, she HATES nobel's," Girl don't you realize the GIFT you were given by being born into a family of nobles, let me see you live out there in the streets and see where your ideals go then. You were also lucky to have an older sister who is looking out for you, because trust me if not for her your wouldn't be a Saint but another vapid and spoiled NOBEL!!!
Now I was willing to look past all this because I thought of her as just stupid.
But this last chapter annoyed me too much, she got a present from the crown prince- who I'm sure she is thinking she's going to marry- and although saying the words "he shouldn't have speak so much money on me, and given it to the pour" THEN TELL HIM THAT!!! Anyone thinking I'm being over dramatic, her friend clearly states that she says that but she'll still always kept the gift. Her friend is also clearly seeing just the type of person this girl really is and will the one of the first friend to leave her, and like a drop on show on a mountain it's soon going to turn into an avalanche, and her sister won't be there to save her this time.
PS: Also if she "lives by the sword", then go fight a real war, where you will clearly see exactly what that means! A sword is not a pretty decoration, its a weapon -especially during these times- of war, and if you ever use it then you better be prepared to put your life on the line, which in all honest opinion I don't think she brave enough to do!
