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i dropped this before but forgot why so i came back, but now i'm dropping it again, for real this time

Minnie September 6, 2020 1:27 pm

the MC gets on my nerves, i know i shouldn't expect too much from her because not everyone can be skilled in a lot of things, but literally whAT HAS SHE DONE BESIDES DO WHAT EVERY OTHER CRAPPY HEROINE DOES ?? she's not even wondering how Oscar she is, poor guy, she literally claimed the #1 spot on my blacklist of MCs. she's the epitome of what i hate in a heroine, aims ridiculously high, but her capabilities aren't up to par, so she relies too heavily on the people around her, she's literally a living burden on both Roy and Oscar, and literally everyone who likes her. girl yaps too much for someone who's not ballsy enough to actually get things done, or even remotely contribute anything significant.

    Naruto September 21, 2020 1:48 pm

    O-o heavily disagree. Sure she isn't super skilled but she is doing something. I actually dislike Noah the most and my favourability with oscar went down a lot because of his hostility and posessivness. I would rather have had it be a non romance story about a strong pirate girl but doesn't seem to be leading down that road. She is a tad naive though. Trusting everyone left and right. The obly reason I am reading is to find out the fate of her father and brother and to know how her mother is doing. While praying that noah doesnt become a yandere

    outa crazy May 15, 2021 8:54 am

    I wish I saw your comment before I read this and I completely agree! All she did was smile at the boys and suddenly there head over heels for her. And she keeps saying she’ll help fight but she can’t even pull the trigger when she has to. Instead she just trembles and cries. I can see why Oscar did not want her to go out and fight. She’s way too weak mentally and physically for this stuff. Sure it might give her experience but she could have died multiple times if someone else didn’t save her. Also I thought she wasn’t too dumb but after she cut the anchor of her ship to make the pirates in the ship sail away, I almost lost it. The ship was there only way back from a island full of disease, yet she still cut the ropes....