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The title states that this is literally about tea

Amaya September 6, 2020 10:39 am

I get the comments of all she cares about is the tea because she does. Of course she's going to keep bringing it up when she's stressed, she thinks about tea. When her husband has a boner, she's still going to be thinking about tea. And yes it sounds extensive, but if there is something you are passionate about it's easy to talk someone's ear off about it. Especially if you couldn't share this knowledge before now, you are going to be talking about it ever chance you get. And now she has a captive audience.

    Chiko September 6, 2020 3:07 pm

    IKR?? I'm actually way more invested in her tea business then the romance. Everytime there's some romantic drama I think of it as a minor distraction from the main plot: her tea business. She's a business woman through and through, what a role model!

    Kaito.Hat September 6, 2020 3:19 pm

    Exactly! I came for the tea and stayed for the tea! I also love how she has a healthy romance with her husband, but I don't want that to be what this story's only about.

    Chiko September 6, 2020 3:40 pm
    Exactly! I came for the tea and stayed for the tea! I also love how she has a healthy romance with her husband, but I don't want that to be what this story's only about. Kaito.Hat

    Glad I'm not alone in this!

    Kaito.Hat September 6, 2020 4:05 pm
    Glad I'm not alone in this! Chiko

    Same! Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I felt a bit disheartened seeing all the recent comments bashing Chloe's business/tea obsession.