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Hana September 3, 2020 7:48 pm

Do anyone know if we can add pictures in ‘question’ section?
There’s these uke and seme. Seme broke up with his girlfriend, cause the gf cheat. Uke found him at a gay bar drinking. Uke ask if he wants revenge, seme said he just wants her to he happy. This manga have second season/volume? And there’s also the story of seme younger brother and uke’s older brother (i think abt rabbits in their stories??????) . I dont remember the title pls help.

Btw; I remember the seme going to uke’s hometown and to find him, uke ask seme’s ex gf who hack? Into seme’s phone to see wht pictures seme took. Yeah, scary ex gf.

    space noodle September 3, 2020 7:53 pm

    Its Therapy Game I think -
    The one with the brothers is Secret XXX and you should read that first, then read therapy game

    Kyatto September 3, 2020 7:58 pm

    For the questions part, did you mean like you’re doing now? Since there is also another question part on this site. What you can do is make an album, upload the picture you want in it and then link the URL of the album/picture to your question.

    Hana September 3, 2020 8:04 pm
    Its Therapy Game I think - one with the brothers is Secret XXX and you should read that first, then read therapy game space noodle

    Yes it is!!! Thank you so much!!!

    Hana September 3, 2020 8:05 pm
    For the questions part, did you mean like you’re doing now? Since there is also another question part on this site. What you can do is make an album, upload the picture you want in it and then link the URL of... Kyatto

    Oh!!! I see i see, so that’s how you do it! I dont know another question part on this site, would you please tell me where i can find it? And thank you so much for telling me about the album/pictures. I completely forgot i can do that too

    Kyatto September 4, 2020 8:18 am
    Oh!!! I see i see, so that’s how you do it! I dont know another question part on this site, would you please tell me where i can find it? And thank you so much for telling me about the album/pictures. I compl... Hana

    Yeah sure, no problem! You can find the other question part of the site by clicking on a random manga. On the right side on your screen should be the text ‘People are sharing things’ with the topics underneath that text. You can click a random one, like this for example:

    And you can see what people commented on that topic etc. You can also add a comment to it if you want to. If you click on ‘get to know you’ in this case, you will see other questions people have asked or replied to.

    Here you can click on ‘I did’ or ‘I want to do’, ask a question or share a experience. On the right of your screen there is also a searchbar, here you can find other topics.

    Let me know if this wasn’t clear enough or if you need more help. :)

    Hana September 4, 2020 8:53 am
    Yeah sure, no problem! You can find the other question part of the site by clicking on a random manga. On the right side on your screen should be the text ‘People are sharing things’ with the topics underne... Kyatto

    Omg! Thank you so so much!!! Such detailed and awesome explanations!!! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ .

    I now know how to do it!! Thank you once again!! May you have a good day~