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No matter what,incest is so wrong. But it does happens in real life. Though the love betwe...

Anonymous January 26, 2015 10:09 pm

No matter what,incest is so wrong. But it does happens in real life. Though the love between them was good,it destroyed their parents forever.
I feel awkward,speechless,don't know how to accept this...

    Samy August 13, 2015 8:48 pm

    For that i agree...

    Kjirkoh November 20, 2015 8:14 am

    Actually the truth is that the brother DID manipulated his sister's feeling into ""love"" him. at first she was against it and felt bad, but since it was her twin brother she followed him. It's never good love when one of the partners manipulate the other person into it. but from what i read in the comments seems it's been read by minors. no one has detected the psychological aspect of manipulations in this manga plot.