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can anyone tell me what chapters the pink and green haired idol boys fucked??

maine418 September 2, 2020 2:52 am

can anyone tell me what chapters the pink and green haired idol boys fucked??

    Mi Amore Anon September 2, 2020 2:54 am

    Chapter 20. The dialogue is mostly Tapas dialogue. -.-;

    Yohan Kim September 2, 2020 4:06 am
    Chapter 20. The dialogue is mostly Tapas dialogue. -.-; Mi Amore Anon

    I've just re-read it, and boy! Do the dialogue made me cringe so much hahaha!

    Mi Amore Anon September 2, 2020 11:47 am
    I've just re-read it, and boy! Do the dialogue made me cringe so much hahaha! Yohan Kim

    Agree. I cringe with almost every chapter. I don’t understand some of the changes Tapas makes.
    Actually, Jisu asked for a kiss and is saying Hyung not daddy and not fuck my brains out.
    Tiny boy is actually tiny and cute.

    Yohan Kim September 2, 2020 2:28 pm
    Agree. I cringe with almost every chapter. I don’t understand some of the changes Tapas makes. Actually, Jisu asked for a kiss and is saying Hyung not daddy and not fuck my brains out. Tiny boy is actually ... Mi Amore Anon

    Thanks for the clarification!

    maine418 September 3, 2020 1:49 am
    Chapter 20. The dialogue is mostly Tapas dialogue. -.-; Mi Amore Anon

    thanks!!! god save!!