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the contrast between "I want to do anything and everything I can for you." and "But that's...

bullshitter30 September 1, 2020 11:56 am

the contrast between "I want to do anything and everything I can for you." and "But that's what /I/ want. Can't you do that for me? You like me, don't you?" has me crying. The former is so giving while the latter is all about receiving and gaining.

You can really tell how much Director Park loves Suha and how willing he is to give his everything to him, while on the other hand it paints how absolutely trashy and manipulative Dohyeok is or whatever the flying fuck his name is cause I could give less shit about his soggy ass.

I really hope Director Park continues to be gentle as Suha heals from his traumatic past relationship. Suha really deserves the best of everything.

    cryinceleste September 1, 2020 12:05 pm

    this !! this was explained exactly what i was thinking !

    izzydrizzy September 1, 2020 12:21 pm

    put wat i was thinking perfectly