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Ok, I usually don't have problems with Y-guys. Sure they can be a little possessive, but i...

Ray91 September 1, 2020 8:44 am

Ok, I usually don't have problems with Y-guys. Sure they can be a little possessive, but in the subtext its usually shown they are really caring guys who actually consider and truly think about what the MC wants, which usually makes me forgive/overlook the rash/rude behavior.
That being said this whole seniario is... mind boggling (only polite thing I could think of) and disgusting!!!!
Everyone is saying poor prince "he loves her so much" F-off!!! YOU DON'T GET THE RIGHT TO TELL SOMEONE WHO AND HOW TO LOVE!!!
She does not want to marry you! She wan't her freedom and making propaganda that is given to the public showing that "she is the only one who can bear my children" and the only one who "survived" princess training is blackmail, propaganda, and a clear threat!
If this did not have a sense of comedy, this would be pure horror! Forcing someone to stay with you is wrong, and even if in the end-after you have effectually trapped that person- that person stays with you that is called Stockholm Syndrome!
Dude, I do feel bad for you, being in love with this person for so long, and them not display those same feelings is tough, the only thing I can say to salvage this situation is to let her go, and if she comes back you'll know the love is real, otherwise you'll always be the AH who took away her freedom!
Sorry, this is so long, but the previous chapter has me triggered, and usually I stay quiet but I just couldn't on this one!

    Yuki September 1, 2020 10:08 am

    I sooooo agree!!! When I read such storries I always think the guy has to suffer and I would like to see his shocked face and more. My ego must be satisfied and after that it's ok if they get together (maybe) (▰˘◡˘▰)(≧∀≦)