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screams August 31, 2020 6:38 am

rei did not deserve a happy ending solely because of the way he acted out of jealousy and spite. i hate characters like him the most

    Xiao Didi September 6, 2020 10:47 am

    Oh please he deserves a happy ending. Wtf even. He acted that way not out of jealousy but loneliness and despair because he'd be the only one left if Kei also became human. Yes he was bitchy, it was wrong but in retrospect, it is not out of the ordinary or norm and that doesn't warrant the hate. Have you never acted bitchy for some reason? Pls.. No one is a saint.

    Team Vasco September 26, 2020 12:00 am

    I agree with you, they just give them a happy ever after to wrap it up, when Rei was introduced his partner wanted a threesome with him and Seme Mc, and now they are getting married? Just like that? Lol