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JoTheF~~~~~ August 30, 2020 7:31 am

I HATE IT when people tell me that yoai is a piece of garbage and it shouldn't exist... BOIIII THAT FUCKIN MESSED UP!!! I slapped him IN THE FACE, my other friends were like "OMG!" and i was like "DONT YOU DARE SAY SHIT ABOUT MY LIFE ASSHOLE!"

    Kyatto August 30, 2020 8:06 am

    Violence is never the answer though.. everyone has different opinions. It hurts of course if someone says that about something you really love but as stated in comment above, discuss about it. Point out his errors if he makes one, like if he says ‘Every yaoi has rape!!’ you can correct him that there are also really good yaoi’s out there without rape.

    JoTheF~~~~~ August 30, 2020 12:36 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Oko

    Tell you the truth, we discussed it and he said it was a prank ( ̄へ ̄)Dont worry, we good! He reads yaoi so I was confused to why he said that, so I slapped him! He deserved it btw

    JoTheF~~~~~ August 30, 2020 12:37 pm
    Violence is never the answer though.. everyone has different opinions. It hurts of course if someone says that about something you really love but as stated in comment above, discuss about it. Point out his err... Kyatto

    I know violence is not the key to the answer your looking for, but actually they pranked me. And ofc tere are good rape yaois out there! Thank you good ser/madem

    Kyatto August 30, 2020 12:54 pm
    I know violence is not the key to the answer your looking for, but actually they pranked me. And ofc tere are good rape yaois out there! Thank you good ser/madem JoTheF~~~~~

    Well glad to know everything is okay with you guys. o_o And now you also know he’s a fudanshi lol.