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am i the only one?

jackjack August 29, 2020 1:42 pm

am i the only one that feels bad for the author?
like this is getting uploaded here the day after the author uploads on lezhin.

As a story creator, artist and consumer myself, i feel bad because ppl that can afford to support the original are just like, "meh if I wait 1 day or just sleep I can read it for free".
i know A LOT of people like this and I personally feel its sad that the author doesn't at least get a week of support from people that are willing to support them and what they do instead of people just ripping them off [piracy is ripping the creators off, don't sugar coat it] , you know what I mean.

i just feed bad personally, is it only me?

    Rayn August 29, 2020 1:49 pm

    No, you're not. I must say that the uploader should have realeased the chapter with a broad range to the original one

    Silvertoes189 August 29, 2020 1:50 pm

    Did you read the note in Chapter 49? The uploader is really something...

    Akaimoo August 29, 2020 1:51 pm

    I feel bad too, but I can't say anything about it since I'm reading it on here in the first place. Me complaining about something without fixing it would make me a hypocrite.
    Now if officials suddenly get rid of sites like this that do these illegal stuff, I'd probably feel a bit relieved and disappointed, but other than that I'd prob fina actually pay the cents to read the chapters.
    Honestly it gets to the point where your subconscious would think, 'why would we feel guilty, we're just doing what benefits us the best.' Money not spent is money earned, that sort of crappy ideal.

    creamyblue August 29, 2020 1:54 pm

    Yeah me too :((

    cassiopeia August 29, 2020 1:57 pm

    youre not alone, i feel bad as well (i wish i could pay authors for their works but im broke as fuck rn bc of corona) and we all know people are always gonna pick the free ones over spending money which rlly sucks

    so to all yall reading this, if you have a good amount, it wont hurt to support your fav creator :)

    Nananina August 29, 2020 1:58 pm

    I used to waiting to read here, but as the story getting good and i cant be patient with many spoiler on twitter tempting me also because i getting to feel strongly love BD and POTN, now i read legally on LZ :), i feel proud now that i can support BD and POTN legally, the coin is also affordable, even my pack of ciggarete is more expensive than 15 coins of LZ, i can bear with not smoke for days if it means i can support BD, ehehehe

    jackjack August 29, 2020 1:59 pm
    Did you read the note in Chapter 49? The uploader is really something... Silvertoes189

    just red it [i dont read the updates here].
    tbh ... im kinda thankful because they are highlighting a problem. even tho it is a petty note/petty act that comes off as:
    "well they do it so now that i do it, it should be ok. don't complain just because i follow the crowd' kinda thing.
    At least they put it in the reader's face so that readers that were unaware of the upload schedules are informed, of not only nightly painter, as well as other big stories on this site.

    jackjack August 29, 2020 2:00 pm
    No, you're not. I must say that the uploader should have realeased the chapter with a broad range to the original one Rayn


    jackjack August 29, 2020 2:04 pm
    youre not alone, i feel bad as well (i wish i could pay authors for their works but im broke as fuck rn bc of corona) and we all know people are always gonna pick the free ones over spending money which rlly su... cassiopeia

    yeah same im also poor. ive previously tried to buy the chapters when i can afford them, even tho i am really late to the party compared to ppl who read the chapters as they come out.
    if the story updated 1 week or more after the original upload i would be more comfortable with reading illigal uploads because its more respectful i feel.
    i know i can afford it and am doing something bad, but at least i am doing it respectfully with what i can.
    But... yeee that isnt what is happening. so i havnt been reading it here and just hold off till i can build up $$ and read the chapters maybe months later at this point.

    jackjack August 29, 2020 2:06 pm
    I used to waiting to read here, but as the story getting good and i cant be patient with many spoiler on twitter tempting me also because i getting to feel strongly love BD and POTN, now i read legally on LZ :)... Nananina

    proud of you my dude :)
    i know that holding of on cigz is hard so just for that, im proud.

    jackjack August 29, 2020 2:21 pm
    I used to waiting to read here, but as the story getting good and i cant be patient with many spoiler on twitter tempting me also because i getting to feel strongly love BD and POTN, now i read legally on LZ :)... Nananina

    if you cant afford to read it, i understand. i can relate. that is fine!
    i am trying to say it would be nice to wait a little just for your fav artist to gain proper monetary support from people who can afford it.
    People like to take advantage of situations easily, and lets face it. im sure there are a lot of people here, reading this, that can more than afford all the chapters of POTN and still choose to not support the creator even after know how good the story is that using their spare change to support the person that gave you this content.

    If you cant afford it. just wait a little as a token of respect for the artist. thats it.
    I remember waiting 3 months for some book chapters to become publicly free and it never did. Am i mad? No.
    because the author probably couldnt afford making it free. imagine that they couldnt make a few chapters free because those 20$ total you get per month is what makes them scrape by and make them afford rent.
    Im not mad. im just sad because thats the reality, some ppl live like that.

    not trying to guilt trip you. its just reality. if you feel guilty, you just do. you have a heart.

    Nananina August 29, 2020 2:47 pm
    ALSO if you cant afford to read it, i understand. i can relate. that is fine! i am trying to say it would be nice to wait a little just for your fav artist to gain proper monetary support from people who can af... jackjack

    Im very agree with you, and it would be nice if the uploader here will wait to upload at least a week after the release, so that those who are impatient like me will either read legally or waiting patiently with all those spoiler tempting you. I also dont want to start to be salty with the reader here, but at least for the manhwa we love, can't we spare just $2 to support the thing we came to lovee?? *Sigh*
    Beside my love for BD & POTN, the reason i decide to read legally, was bcs with the POTN hype on twitter from those who i follow and some moots,esp on the release day,(they're all read legally) i wanna joined the hype too and interact with them talking about the new chap,because people are more fun on twitter than the topic on mangago, but i was so ashame cuz i read it from here, thats why then i decided to read it legally! So that i wont feel ashame anymore(to myself) when i join the hype of POTN on twitter. I know im late, but better late than never.

    jackjack August 29, 2020 3:55 pm
    Im very agree with you, and it would be nice if the uploader here will wait to upload at least a week after the release, so that those who are impatient like me will either read legally or waiting patiently wit... Nananina

    thats nice and good on you mate.
    it seems nice to interact with the community and be in a hype circle that just loves and are dedicated to something that you are all interested in.
    Sadly i dont really interact with ppl online on social media like twitterf and mostly stay to myself so that is an aspect that i dont really have experience in but, i can see how having a group to talk about a topic with and feeling left out can impact someone, even if it is for 1 week. that 1 week can mean ur a full chapter behind and being excluded from discussions surrounding recent chapters rtgefd

    also you can afford to support the artist and you do. thats nice to hear. Thank you for supporting them!!!

    jackjack August 29, 2020 3:58 pm
    Im very agree with you, and it would be nice if the uploader here will wait to upload at least a week after the release, so that those who are impatient like me will either read legally or waiting patiently wit... Nananina

    wait i just realized. did i reply to you with my 2nd long comment rtgef ??!!
    sorry, i actually meant to reply to my 1st comment/topic ;;;0;;;
    it was supposed to be a part 2.
    sorry, that was an accident ;;

    Nananina August 29, 2020 4:42 pm
    wait i just realized. did i reply to you with my 2nd long comment rtgef ??!!sorry, i actually meant to reply to my 1st comment/topic ;;;0;;; it was supposed to be a part 2. sorry, that was an accident ;; jackjack

    Hahaha no worries! And also thanks for your kind words, lets just wish that there will be no day when BD or any other of our fav manhwa author will stop creating manhwa because this illegal upload issue getting out of hands :(

    jackjack August 29, 2020 9:15 pm
    Hahaha no worries! And also thanks for your kind words, lets just wish that there will be no day when BD or any other of our fav manhwa author will stop creating manhwa because this illegal upload issue getting... Nananina

    yeah, wish for the best. i dont want them to stop prtgef hhh but i just with that there was at least there is a mutual way of going about things where both parties get a decent card.