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May I know who's uploaded this shit?????? I think the artist is one who call themselves am...

Aren January 13, 2015 6:09 pm

May I know who's uploaded this shit?????? I think the artist is one who call themselves american mangaka or something like that but the quality is total shit ... Even tons of doujinshika can do better than this so called mangaka

    vs August 11, 2015 9:42 pm

    That is really low brow. Yes the drawing is pretty bad as well as some of the wording, but what if this is some ones first/early work? Do you think all the popular mangakas today didn't start out with a far less refined technique. Not everyone is a Michelangelo. And so what if they're American? I love Japanese manga but I don't think they are the only ones capable of creating graphic novels. I for one appreciate the badly drawn ones from people who are trying to draw something for themselves, especially ones with a good plot. I know I can't draw even half this good. Did you know that there are sites such a Tapstic and the former InkBlazers where people from all over the world can upload their own personal works? I read most of the ones published on there and gave fair reviews of them, no matter how rough they were. They tried really hard and deserve some respect.

    vs August 11, 2015 9:59 pm
    That is really low brow. Yes the drawing is pretty bad as well as some of the wording, but what if this is some ones first/early work? Do you think all the popular mangakas today didn't start out with a far l... @vs

    Despite its flaws, I like the strongly developed characters and the plot line is interesting, a lot more so than some of the better drawn stuff I've read.