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don't kill me please

neorago August 26, 2020 9:14 pm

really hate to admit this, but... this last update has kinda ruined everything for me. i've never really enjoyed He Tian and Mo's dynamics (i really REALLY dislike people being too forceful on others), but i tried to remain hopeful anyway. i was waiting for some kind of change into their behaviour and the chapters before this last one were almost getting there. and then... this happens? sigh.

    Isaaburp August 26, 2020 9:33 pm

    You can always stop reading, yk? :((

    neorago August 26, 2020 9:54 pm
    You can always stop reading, yk? :(( Isaaburp

    yeah, i know. don't worry, i'm not judging those who are enjoying how things are developing. i just wanted to get my thoughts on the matter out, mostly to see if there were people sharing the same thoughts as me. (judging based on how many thumbs down i got, apparently not that many)

    i'm just... sad, i guess? because i've been reading this story since the very first chapters and i've been loving it since then. reading a chapter that leaves me with a bad aftertaste is just kinda disappointing, that's all.

    『FujoshiQueen』❤ August 27, 2020 1:25 am

    I can relate to you and I agree 100% don't mind the dislikes and just stand by your opinion :)

    darkmanifest August 27, 2020 2:37 am

    You're not alone! These two take one step forward and two steps back every time. Their moments where they behave like actual friends teasing and caring about each other throughout the entire camping trip are so great, and so held back by the kind of crap in this chapter. I don't expect or want them to coo and cuddle, but like...maybe pump the brakes on the other extreme.

    HarleyQRaven August 27, 2020 9:14 am
    yeah, i know. don't worry, i'm not judging those who are enjoying how things are developing. i just wanted to get my thoughts on the matter out, mostly to see if there were people sharing the same thoughts as m... neorago

    While I don't have an issue with how their relationship is progressing, I do empathize with how you feel. But let me give you a perspective to mull over. There is no one size fits all in what makes a perfect relationship and I personally feel that is an unreasonable expectation many have and why relationships fail IRL. Both characters have their flaws and both are dealing with their own personal traumas. Who knows, maybe they can help each other grow individually and together. It is an author's choice on how they want to develop their characters. Yes, many of us do get too emotionally attached to these stories and upset when OUR expectations aren't fulfilled. But many of these stories have many teachable moments and allow us (if willing) to see things from a different perspective. If your expectations aren't being met, perhaps you should drop the story, BUT I say give it and them a chance to see where their relationship goes. IF just for entertainment value because at the end, this is entertainment and not real life. Then again, I thrive off chaotic fictional relationships so this is my cup of tea. Lol.