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JinYanagi August 26, 2020 3:18 pm

That was such a fun ride, I like how every character was interesting and the 2nd ml didn’t get that much spotlight (cus usually I get 2nd lead syndrome but here they made a limit on how good they showed him)

It’s really nice how ML also decided not to pursue interior design, I just feel like when you like something it’s better to keep it as a hobby rather than make it a job and stress you out to the point you start hating what you initially liked.

Plus he’s how many years old, I don’t think he would be easily convinced to switch out when he’s juggling his job and hobby quite healthily before they got together.

Surprisingly like all the characters, everyone was so unique and funny. Especially liked how we got closure during the epilogue because at the very least it made Daram (ml sister) look less of a bitch as well as Gyuseung. Everyone was so eccentric though to the point that it’s crazy how compared to everyone the 2 main characters were the normal ones.

I love how chill their hook up was too, not much drama and straight to the point. They got through some obstacles and mc even got over her pushover tendencies. Also isn’t she suuuuper pretty in the last chapter!!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ HER SHORT HAIR ROCKSSS

also I really appreciate the bit where they show Aram actually learning make up, not like other mangas where they just magically make the eye bags disappear. Like it’s nice to know that he made an effort rather than the story glossing over it making it really realistic.

Lastly, if I had any complaints.... maybe because I missed out on their frisky scenes LOLOLOL
I kinda wanted to see something something, I mean I know it’s not smut. But yeah, guilty to say I wanted to see Aram nakey ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Haha

Loved this series < 3
