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Tfw you actually have inverted nipples...

Jimin's pinky August 25, 2020 10:54 pm

I see them in yaois quite often and it makes me feel a little less alone but at the same time it makes me feel even worse about my own body...? Idk, the tops who see the inverted nipples like it though but that may only be the case in mangas ╥﹏╥ *cries in inverted nipple*

    Mars September 7, 2020 5:47 am

    A lot of people actually have them, doesn't matter their gender either. As far as i know, people dont actually care much and the judgement is exaggerated in manga for the drama.

    LazyParrot May 4, 2021 2:48 am

    That's quite true. It's not really a big deal as long as it's not health related.