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Oops I said a lot AHAHAH

Anjeresu August 25, 2020 10:13 pm

I started reading this 2 days ago and I’ve already caught up. This story is too good that I just kept on reading! NK didn’t have anybody except his noonas so Sir Inhun was the first person he got really close with. THat’s why NK respected and looked up to Sir inhun then later on he developed feelings of admiration towards him and NK classified that as love. Now that he was heart broken from Sir Inhun leaving him he put a wall around his feelings but at the same time he cannot deny his desires and lust. While keeping his feelings safe and enjoying sex he’s going to listen to his body instead of his head. SH is a very difficult character to figure out. He is going through what it seems like childhood trauma and family problems that he has trouble sleeping. The mention of his family specifically his father he gets upset easily. SH is not used to someone not liking him because he gets what he wants when he wants. I think that’s why he developed an interest in NK. People tend to like those they cannot have. With the recent chapters SH has been kind to NK buying him clothes, feeding him, taking care of him. He’s possessive towards NK. I’m not sure what his intentions are but I do know that NK is slowly changing him (even other people are noticing he’s not himself). Also I loved how he was straightforward with NK about his sudden change of behavior, I think SH is confused why he suddenly changed his mind and I think we know why!!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
