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goodness.....though i like kusakabe for being friendly with azusa, and now having his side...

anonymous January 7, 2015 12:10 pm

goodness.....though i like kusakabe for being friendly with azusa, and now having his side of the story...i still want the story between karino and azusa...because it was a cliffhanger....goodness gracius....i badly need and want to know what will azusa do to karino...will he make karino suffer or not?...and how will he do it....?....i hope the four of them have a good ending...not necessarily happy(because the story suggest such a hardcore psychos) but at least not a disappointing one....

    YaoiFanGirl January 12, 2015 7:35 am

    Don't worry, I'm sure Azusa story with Karino has not ended! I'm sure the mangaka will continue after Kusakabes.