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Am i weird?? Please help meeee

Kaito_kid August 25, 2020 2:05 pm

Ahmm..hello i been thinking if im going to post this here since im introvert but i dont care anymore since no one knows me.....i been having a weird i dont known if its a condition or disorder but ever since my single mom and his new boyfriend live in our house..ever since that day i been hearing they sex noise...well for someone they will enjoy it same as me in the first but then my mind becomes disgusting about it and it giving me a so freaking annoying about that im so angry even one time i cried...i feel no...i really dont like to heard they sound even the 'slap slap' or 'ah ahh' or so good!' when they having sex its so disgusting but when i tried to watch hentai...and volume max my phone to hear they sound of sex(dont worry i use earphone...I test it since im also fudanshi) or read lewd straight sex or yaoi i didnt feel disgusting or vomiting about it...please guys help me am i weird or its just me??!!! Its been bothering me ╥﹏╥


    BLislife August 25, 2020 2:07 pm

    Maybe you're disgusted because it's your P A R E N T S

    mary August 25, 2020 2:08 pm

    well if it were me i'd also be disgusted, it's your mom, so it'd be weird if you liked hearing your mom have sex lol

    Anonymous August 25, 2020 2:11 pm

    guess its normal cause if i were u i'd also be disgusted, so why not muster courage and talk to your mom?? (it may be hard but thats for the best, right)

    HriRo August 25, 2020 2:16 pm

    not really. It's kinda awkward knowing your parent is having sex.....I would be creeped out as well. In hentai or yaoi we just see characters who have nothing to do with us, so it doesn't have much impact...but your mom is your closest family so you are bound to feel weird to an extent.

    If it is too much traumatic for you maybe try talking about it? Or else maybe divert your attention when ...umm...the time comes? Movies or video games or as such?

    Kaito_kid August 26, 2020 1:06 am

    Thank you guys now im feel relieved because of you guys(•ω•) Thank you for all very so glad that theres a people who help me....hahaha im so happy(╥∇╥)
