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I am totally on Lee Kang's side, and I feel sorry for him, too, I'm on Junho's too, and I...

Quicksilver August 24, 2020 9:36 am

I am totally on Lee Kang's side, and I feel sorry for him, too, I'm on Junho's too, and I hope they have love and tons of passion cuz I want to look at those two bodies all dirty.
I feel this way because they're my damned main characters, and why the eff would I want to read this stuff if not for pleasure? I'm not doing this stuff so I can get mad and demand justice. I don't want justice.
They are not real people, they don't impact the world, they are like candy. I do and always have felt very very lucky to have found this genre, and grateful that it even exists and that there's people who don't find it weird, cuz I don't know anyone in RL who likes it... well, except Miki. LOL.
I'm sure as hell not going to waste the story with real world anger and angst about social injustice. I get plenty of that in the RW. i'm not going to include it in this my favorite world. Call me a rape apologist all you want. Do I look like I care?

    rafal August 24, 2020 9:45 am

    finally someone who doesn't care if it has rape like i get that rape is really disgusting but its a fake story not real for u to be like ooo if it didn't have reap in it i would have read the story.