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I'm really curious how Masaru's mind works.

moody_bish August 24, 2020 9:16 am

He takes his mistake seriously and has made it a stepping stone to address his "immaturity". At first, I was like... Maybe Masaru's compensation for his mistake was learning more about Akira, like an obsession to never offend this person because Masaru knew too little about him. (tbh, I've once obsessed over a mistake I did and misunderstood my feelings about it. Like I thought that it's because I liked what I was doing, but I realized that I jist didn't feel forgiven so I kept doing it.)

Then I realized that maybe Masaru was demisexual. The sort to fall in love after knowing the other person (because he didn't even have a type and said that he didn't have thoughts about the girls cause he didnt know them). That's why when he knew more about Akira, he transferred to Tokyo just to be with him. Bro, that's like a huge life decision and he just took it LMAO.

It's also endearing how he texts Akira what he'll do... And it started with wanting to make Akira smile... But then it became the sort of texts he sends because he himself wanted to do it.

And a year of one sided texts to Akira... Like... That level of fidelity and faith in your partner after being told that you're better of married.

Well..akira did say that Masaru was dense yet determined and stubborn but consistent.

Then I was thrown off knowing that it was based on a real couple... And I became more curious of Masaru's model. Like... Kento's past was a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. What about Masaru?
