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Looking for recommendations where...

vda August 22, 2020 11:04 pm

... MC has a bowl cut lmao. IDC what genre's are included, but as long as MC has black hair and somewhat of a bowl cut, send it my way haha.

My recommendations/ reference includes: Study Group, Mononobe Koshoten Kaikitan, and Lookism.

    Bro August 22, 2020 11:31 pm

    - Mob Psycho 100
    - Muchuu sa kimi ni
    - shame application
    - shen sheng
    - heesu in class 2
    - shimanami tosagare
    - ajin (he gets a haircut at some point but they do show his hair growing i guess)

    I know some of these are absolutely nothing like your reccommendations, but I hope you enjoy a couple of these

    vda August 22, 2020 11:53 pm
    - Mob Psycho 100- Muchuu sa kimi ni- shame application- shen sheng- heesu in class 2- shimanami tosagare- ajin (he gets a haircut at some point but they do show his hair growing i guess)I know some of these are... Bro

    Thank you! Looking forward to reading them :D