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Me, a mangareader of Haikyuu!!:

Moonlight’sChild August 21, 2020 4:00 pm


I read this dj years ago and now that it’s 2020 and i realized what happened in the manga is almost the same as this dj blows my mind. I—

    segoy onna August 29, 2020 11:16 pm

    I know right ?!!
    Except they've become waaaaaay more gorgeous in the actual manga
    Especially Hinata I can't

    segoy onna August 31, 2020 8:54 pm

    You sure you want to know
    They stayed rivals friends teemates rivals and so on
    First in the same country then on a world stage

    segoy onna August 31, 2020 10:33 pm
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    Really not interested in the actual anime and manga ?
    Such a waste if you want my opinion
    Seriously you'll never regret it
    But anyway
    In the very end yeah that's it

    segoy onna August 31, 2020 10:46 pm
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    Enjoy(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Moonlight’sChild September 1, 2020 3:05 am
    I know right ?!!Except they've become waaaaaay more gorgeous in the actual mangaEspecially Hinata I can't segoy onna


    Moonlight’sChild September 1, 2020 3:26 am
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    Aight if u insist. MAJOR SPOILERS!!

    Kageyama ended up being recruited by the Japan’s pro-league and even represented Japan in Olympics 2016 in Rio. Where Hinata was currently living in bcs he’s training as a pro-beach vball player.

    That’s why i said that this dj was almost the same as the manga. Kagehina ended up apart rather than getting recruited together. Kageyama was obvs recruited bcs of his immense talent while Hinata ended up starting over again from the bottom(like in this dj where Hinata’s college team isn’t like as special as kageyama’s). They ended up together, on the same team(Japan’s representative team) again during Olympics 2020 in Tokyo(oh my heartttt) but got separated again in the World Championships, Rome where they’re part of different foreign pro-league teams.(Hinata played for Brazil and Kageyama played for Italy).

    U should seriously read the manga so u can fully soak in the greatness of Haikyuu!! The writing is superb and exhilarating and everyone becomes gorgeous(dunno bout tendou but he’s still hilarious af so that counts lmao)