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Came Back Three Years Later to Review This

Fyre August 21, 2020 2:17 pm

Listen, I've got a couple takes on this.

Big pro, the main character is absolutely scum. listen, I know this sounds bad, but not all people are good people, and not stories have happy endings. This character perfectly illustrated the degeneracy of mankind who cater to a societal construct in a desperate bid to win power. Even in a land where power wasn't necessary to be happy, he pursued it anyways, with a single minded determination that truly suits the story.

Two, the sex suits it. Yes yes ik it was gross it was nasty but it also perfectly symbolised human instincts. At surface level this whole things looks like a half-assed excuse to write and illustrate smut, but there are a couple fundamental things that all creatures in a society do; eat, procreate, and kill. All these things are main factors in the story as our despicable MC utilises these human desires to manipulate the natives.

Three, haha coloniser goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Four, I love the implementation of aristocracy. Adding a hierarchy really added the touch of "eat the rich" that we're experiancing even today.

And finally - not really I'm just tired - we have the creation of monsters from the systemic pressure society puts on people to rise above the rest, the man eat man instinct. It created our MC, it created that weird CEO nerd man, it created the revolt, and it created his son. People all become vengeful in their own way.

To be honest, when I first finished this whole thing, I hated it. With my entire being, I despised it. But over the last couple of years it occasionally comes to mind and I think about how it's an excellent study of society and man when stripped of their facade. A hard to swallow read, but a good one once you get it.
