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I know it's just a story & prolly won't happen

babciadorota August 20, 2020 10:09 pm

But I can't help but feel like Arhad is the type of guy who is only excited by the chase, and once Ianna is truly 'his', he won't know what to do with himself anymore. All he's ever done and known is chasing after her by all means necessary, and once the chase is over, he won't be able to nurture the actual relationship.
He'll be like 'mission accomplished', that's it.
That it probably won't be the case, but I'm just kinda worried about it for some reason

    Dr-Erotica August 21, 2020 10:37 am

    tell me honestly, you've been through hardships haven't you? :<

    Coolgirldawn August 21, 2020 6:18 pm

    Don’t worry tht won’t happen. He will do anything for Ianna even if it means never touching her romantically and just having her by his side, he will do tht. I somehow feel the novel translation gives a deeper insight to character emotions I’m glad I read them