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''Crazy Love'' ? Seriously there's no love here, all i was able to see was rape, violence ...

Aya Chan August 20, 2020 6:34 pm

''Crazy Love'' ? Seriously there's no love here, all i was able to see was rape, violence and obsession.
Loving semone and being obsessed IS not the same thing. I don't feel sorry for him at all, why the hell was him the one who tried to kill himself when he was the one who did those disgusting things to the persone he love? When semone say '' No, i don't want '' you just have to listen and let him be! Don't go rape him with the excuse that you love him and that he refused you ! There's no excuse for what he did !

    Fafi August 20, 2020 8:45 pm

    Well loving someone and obsession over them are Definitely not the same BUT someone could love and obsessed over another at the same time because obsession doesn't necessarily lead to violence. Believed it or not I saw stalkers who prefer to cut their arm off then hurting the one they were stalking. They might have been obsessed over them but they also loved them.
    It’s Psychology proofed.
    I’m just saying (=・ω・=)