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Jhaz Kudo August 20, 2020 4:57 pm

None of these may have happened if Naruse made it CLEAR,AS IN CRYSTAL CLEAR, that he has a lover. No need to mention them being a woman or a man, all you need to say is you have SOMEONE YOU'RE GOING OUT WITH, OR SOMEONE SPECIAL TO YOU. This is the fcking last time I'mma think twice abt dropping this. The next chapter will be the DECISIVE one. I'm literally stressed out with my fave manhwas and mangas consecutively coming to an end so I don't have fcking space to spare more negative emotions with this kind of bullshit. Sorry for wasting your time, please don't hate me

    Saphfire August 20, 2020 9:51 pm

    But it also isn't really anyone's business if he has a lover or not. He clearly turned Yanagi down and Yanagi tried to take advantage of him still. He knew Naruse had a lover and still tried to use coercion through alcohol to have sex with him. He needs a Bruce Lee smack down for that one for sure. Lol!! I'm the uploader, so I want to say don't drop it but I've dropped things before because they were too much for me so I can't say it lol.

    Jhaz Kudo August 21, 2020 11:05 am

    OMG. You're Saph-san?!!!! I reallyyyy love youuuuu!!!!!!! I was searching for this manga the whole time, thanks for uploading ittt!I also love the memes you put in every chapter! I literally read my fave mangas legally before this stupidly long quarantine started coz I wasn't broke. Anyways, abt Naruse, yes it wasn't anyone's business if he's taken or not but if I was Yanagi and I like or feel attracted to somebody, then I would clearly mind their relationship status. If this person just refused me, with no clear reason and being *AHEM* more attractive to me, then I'll surely be tempted to do smth crazy. I mean, I asked him if the "hickey" (but Naruse thought he's asking abt the necklace) was from his lover but he clearly said no and he continued to not mention anything abt having one so, I would really do SMTH daring to satisfy my curiosity. But, I'mma clear things up, I'm not pushing my opinion on anyone, I just y'know, speaking from experience, want to say that if you're taken, and someone's hitting on you, you should clearly refuse it so you won't hurt anyone's feelings. BTW, I'm bisexual so coming out or mentioning my partner's gender also isn't my thing. IM REALLY SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR TIMEEEE!!!!

    Saphfire August 21, 2020 11:48 am
    OMG. You're Saph-san?!!!! I reallyyyy love youuuuu!!!!!!! I was searching for this manga the whole time, thanks for uploading ittt!I also love the memes you put in every chapter! I literally read my fave mangas... Jhaz Kudo

    Lol thank you!! You're really sweet! I think I just can identify with Naruse because I'm more reserved like he is and would likely act somewhat the same as him. Though I have always thought he should have said he had a lover, since he doesn't need to specify gender but Japanese people in manga really do be nosey as hell so maybe that's why he wouldn't say he had one. I'm not a fan of Yanagi purely based on the fact that he switched Naruse's drink while he was in the bathroom intentionally and then even though he "knew" he had a lover, still tried to touch him and take him to a hotel after getting him drunk on purpose. I stand by my Bruce Lee smack down comment lmfao.

    Jhaz Kudo August 21, 2020 4:45 pm

    Yahh that part Yanagi being such a dick is also fcking wrong. But I'm being overwhelmed with the drama and I think there's more to come so I'll just be a good girl and continue this. I'm not gonna drop this so soon coz TBH, I ALSO LOVE THE MEMES !!!! Anyways, sorry for wasting your time, keep safee.