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I hate the second story, abandoning your child to be with first love. I hate this kind of ...

Anonymous December 26, 2014 5:21 pm

I hate the second story, abandoning your child to be with first love. I hate this kind of people, want being happy and they do not care if they make their children sad with bad memories. I just hate it..

    Baby Fox December 27, 2014 11:11 am

    His wife and him separated, he gave his wife everything so that she will take care of their daughter while, he takes care of himself and his feelings towards a MAN.what was he to do bring his daughter with him when he as nothing? Sometimes people need to take care of themselves before they can take care of others, especially if the other party is okay. and he went back to his daughter in the end.

    Shameful December 28, 2014 2:44 am

    That depends on the situation..sometimes the wife and the kid HATE the father so separating was better...i know of a family that the wife and kids have no connection with their father because the father works during the day time and go to school in the evening so he never really meet with his family that I said, don't blame the father of everything.

    mira.myra December 28, 2014 6:14 pm

    I'm sure in the end the environment would be much healthier in the end. I think it's better for children to be exposed to healthy and happy relationships than to be subjected to environments where the two parents hate each other. Even if it's something supposedly being hidden children can still sense discontent. Though, I definitely do dislike the way this MC did things. It seemed more like he had a midlife crisis than anything.