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As someone who has finished the novel a long time ago and had enough time to move past hat...

Blue Moon August 19, 2020 1:11 pm

As someone who has finished the novel a long time ago and had enough time to move past hating most characters( i will never stop hating madam yu, wen chao and jin zixun) it's really funny reading about how mad the readers get about meng yao's betrayal

    Anime Hentai August 19, 2020 4:29 pm

    ... spoiler alert????!!!!

    Blue Moon August 20, 2020 5:32 am
    ... spoiler alert????!!!! Anime Hentai


    pandazzii August 20, 2020 10:58 am

    I know madam yu was just so fucking mean and shit but i think she had a lot of stuff welled up inside of her. Shes an incredibly strong woman, independent and reliable. And she really just wanted the best for her kids. Its impossible to feel unfair or hurt by the rumors being spread around and having a husband who is like meh it dont matter when its obviously affecting her image. I hate her to some degree but i have a lot of respect for her too

    Blue Moon August 20, 2020 11:54 am
    I know madam yu was just so fucking mean and shit but i think she had a lot of stuff welled up inside of her. Shes an incredibly strong woman, independent and reliable. And she really just wanted the best for h... pandazzii

    I didn't say I don't understand why she did the things she did and I do respect her as an independent woman and a strong sect leader but that dosen't mean the things she did were okay. Honestly? I think she had a terrible personality and it always made me angry how she would bitch about all the things being wrong and how everything was Wuxian's fault. She wanted her husband's affection? Well though shit she could have at least tried to earn it, it's not like it was fengmian's fault that he fell in love. And every time she would fight with him about how he cares more about wuxian than his own son it's not like she was any fucking better at showing the smallest amount of love and affection toward jiang cheng, instead she just pushed and pushed and pushed him to be better only because of her own jealousy, and in the process she made both wuxian and jiang cheng feel worthless in different ways. Huff i'm tired of talking. Truly my hate for this woman has no bound

    blue August 20, 2020 11:35 pm
    I didn't say I don't understand why she did the things she did and I do respect her as an independent woman and a strong sect leader but that dosen't mean the things she did were okay. Honestly? I think she had... Blue Moon

    Preach. She is a good charater and I love how there are many sides of her, but her personality really was terrible and she constantly made things worse for both her kids, her husband, AND Wei Wuxian. Jiang Fengmian was frustrating too, though. I wish he had more of a backbone.

    Blue Moon August 21, 2020 9:56 am
    Preach. She is a good charater and I love how there are many sides of her, but her personality really was terrible and she constantly made things worse for both her kids, her husband, AND Wei Wuxian. Jiang Feng... blue

    She was indeed a good character. Like she wasn't evil or cliche and you could understand where she is coming from but she was by no means good either and I do agree that all the problems in the family was not in fact her fault and I think Fengmian could have handled the whole thing a lot better by showing his wife that he in fact did love her and Madam Yu wasn't entirely wrong when she said he didn't pay enough attention to his own son. Of course I understand why he was harder on Jiang Cheng than Wuxian,it's pretty obvious but he as a father should have made it clear to his son how much he loved him and him being harder on him wasn't because he loved him any less

    Addicted August 21, 2020 7:56 pm

    Hey so since u finished reading the novel... Can u pls tell me how much percent the story is done in manga?
    Also is it different from the novel or it is the same?

    Blue Moon August 21, 2020 8:17 pm
    Hey so since u finished reading the novel... Can u pls tell me how much percent the story is done in manga? Also is it different from the novel or it is the same? Addicted

    Well as far as I know yeah it's exactly the same and I'm sorry but I'm really not sure but I can say this, there is still a quit long arc that is in the past and the flash back will start in a few chapters but the present time's story line is mostly done. I'm really excited to see how they are going to draw the flash backs it's not gonna be pretty that's for sure

    Addicted August 21, 2020 8:28 pm
    Well as far as I know yeah it's exactly the same and I'm sorry but I'm really not sure but I can say this, there is still a quit long arc that is in the past and the flash back will start in a few chapters but ... Blue Moon

    Oh wow!!! Thanks for telling me

    maychan August 21, 2020 10:59 pm

    I actually don't hate Madam Yu has much has I hate the fuck up Meng yao or whatever the fuck his name is (︶︿︶)=凸 hope he rot in the fire of hell and stay there.
    has much I see Madam Yu have a bad tumper, and she by the way have, a lot of the problems go to Fengmian fault in their relationship and how he treat his own son.
    if you want to blame someone, you should blame both of them and so hate both of them if you want to be fair. they both of their share in the blame and how they just could NOT communicate properly.
    and no it's not only Madam Yu fualt for this. she actually much more honest about some things then Fengmian ever was! and that say a lot.

    blue August 29, 2020 6:13 pm
    Hey so since u finished reading the novel... Can u pls tell me how much percent the story is done in manga? Also is it different from the novel or it is the same? Addicted

    I think we're probably halfway through, more or less. There's still A LOT of canon content we haven't seen yet. And that's without counting the novel extras, some of which will probably be skipped because chinese censorship sucks. Totally pick up the novel, animation, audio drama, or live action drama if you don't have the patience to wait and see what's next, though! All versions bring something new to the fandom so, if you're like most of us here in MDZS hell, you'll probably enjoy them all!

    As for the second question... I'd say it's about 70-85% the same as the novel, but they did skip some scenes (again, censorship). The webcomic is doing a very good story telling the canon story, but it's also skipping most of the gay.

    Addicted August 29, 2020 6:20 pm
    I think we're probably halfway through, more or less. There's still A LOT of canon content we haven't seen yet. And that's without counting the novel extras, some of which will probably be skipped because chine... blue

    Thank you for the detailed reply but hey I CLEARLY DIDN'T HAVE THE PATIENCE SO I HAVE READ AND FINISHED THE NOVEL ALREADY ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Blue Moon August 30, 2020 1:49 pm
    Thank you for the detailed reply but hey I CLEARLY DIDN'T HAVE THE PATIENCE SO I HAVE READ AND FINISHED THE NOVEL ALREADY ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Addicted

    Haha that was fast