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The Brother and the Doctor

~J~ August 18, 2020 2:57 am

I don't understand why everyone is saying the doc raped the bro... from what i remember, the bro invited the doc... well granted the bro was drunk and all... but he still initiated it. So why rape? Am i missing something here?( ̄へ ̄)

    Anonymous August 18, 2020 3:06 am

    You are right that the bro invited the doctor but the issue is as you stated that he was drunk if someone is drunk you don't take advantage if they cannot give proper consent whether they invited you or not. This is yaoi and not real so it is not a big deal but the matter of the fact was that if it was a real situation then the doctor is in the wrong.

    Anonymous August 18, 2020 3:07 am
    You are right that the bro invited the doctor but the issue is as you stated that he was drunk if someone is drunk you don't take advantage if they cannot give proper consent whether they invited you or not. Th... @Anonymous

    and would be considered rape because he does not remember what happened.

    kris August 18, 2020 5:00 am

    what about looking at it the other way around? what if the doc didn't want to have sex? then technically you'de be excusing dojun's advances towards the doc just because he was drunk and didn't remember it after. I don't think it works like you said. The doc only went with the flow of things, and let dojun have "his way with him" during his drunken state, which is COMPLETLY different than making a move on someone who is not entirely conscious. I mean, it's still not nice to let a drunk person do things that you know they wouldn't really do while sober, but the doc did have a little suspicion that dojun didn't COMPLETLY reject the idea of having sex w/him (because dojun's a tsundere lol), so him being drunk and making advances on the doc was more like "showing his true colors" than "acting irresponsibly" while being drunk.

    KRANCH August 18, 2020 6:30 am
    what about looking at it the other way around? what if the doc didn't want to have sex? then technically you'de be excusing dojun's advances towards the doc just because he was drunk and didn't remember it afte... kris

    even looking at it the other way around, as you said "what if the doc didnt wanna have sex?" then he wouldve not, he wasn't drunk. on the other hand dojun was, you cant get consent from someone who is drunk off his ass, consent in a state of intoxication doesnt count and is considered rape, but as the person before said, it's a yaoi not rl :)

    Mynx August 18, 2020 7:42 am
    what about looking at it the other way around? what if the doc didn't want to have sex? then technically you'de be excusing dojun's advances towards the doc just because he was drunk and didn't remember it afte... kris

    I can't remember clearly but im pretty sure the Doc could have just left

    kris August 20, 2020 5:57 am
    even looking at it the other way around, as you said "what if the doc didnt wanna have sex?" then he wouldve not, he wasn't drunk. on the other hand dojun was, you cant get consent from someone who is drunk off... KRANCH

    drunk men have a LOOOONG STORY of forcing themselves onto others sexually tho????
    Plus, both of these guys are alphas... what if the bro was stronger than the doc? maybe he couldn't have just left even if he wanted to, regardless of him being sober.
    And yes, this is fiction, but when I see double standards, I have to point it out :^V
    People call things "rape" a little too easy on yaoi, I prefer to think about it twice before calling something "rape" that easily, in many cases is because of not so great translation, like the word "dame" in japanese, which can mean both "no" and just "oh no, this is bad", in which it can mean as in "oh no, this is too good" or "oh no, I'm close" depending on the context it's used, since japanese is a high context language, so it doesn't always mean the person is removing consent.
    But I'm just overthinking to give more perspective into things people tend to ignore.

    KRANCH August 26, 2020 7:50 pm
    drunk men have a LOOOONG STORY of forcing themselves onto others sexually tho????Plus, both of these guys are alphas... what if the bro was stronger than the doc? maybe he couldn't have just left even if he wan... kris

    I understand what you mean, but given the docs personality he wasn't gonna give up the chance cuz he likes toying with him (for now) even if he can just get up and go, and yeah I understand the way Japanese and other languages work that way as well, even then I liked ur explanation! thanks :) I also get that some people are quick to call something rape without thinking twice, but in this case it is "technically" called that on the premise of dojun being under the influence and that the, more dominant, doc was sober. But I deffff see what you mean