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I'll admit that I like the idea of gay men raping homophobes to show them that they are ga...

Quicksilver August 15, 2020 7:46 am

I'll admit that I like the idea of gay men raping homophobes to show them that they are gay. LOL It's not that I would support it in RL, but it makes for a red-hot story as far as I'm concerned, especially when the homophobe is as cute and appealing as Junho, and the gay rapist is as magnificently horrible as Lee Kang.
You guys are too hard on Lee Kang. He symbolizes the broken heart of gay men everywhere.

    Anonymous August 15, 2020 3:30 pm

    Too hard ?
    Oh my god, yaoi’s making some of us crazy dude
    Junho may have been a little homophobic, but he just wanted to ignore it. Never said anything about it, never gonna do it (until Lee Kang started to do some sh*t, so of course he’ll be angry and try to calm him down with the only thing he have against him). He was just being a little awkward with

    Rape ISN’T something you should enjoy dude, and even if Junho was an homophobic that insult and all

    Anonymous August 15, 2020 3:33 pm

    Too hard ?
    Oh my god, yaoi’s making some of us crazy dude
    Junho may have been a little homophobic, but he just wanted to ignore it. Never said anything about it, never gonna do it (until Lee Kang started to do some sh*t, so of course he’ll be angry and try to calm him down with the only thing he have against him). He was just being a little awkward with the teacher.

    Rape ISN’T something you should enjoy dude, and even if Junho was an homophobic that insult and all, that’s not a thing that should happen. If someone’s an @sshole, you’re gonna be an @sshole x2 ? Someone’s doing something not acceptable, so you’re doing something way worse, a CRIME ? Rapping’s a crime, being homophobic isn’t. Being homophobic is just someone with a bad mentality, it sure isn’t a good thing but we’re talking about RAPE DUDE

    Anonymous August 15, 2020 3:36 pm

    + No, he’s not symbolizing a broken heart gay, or I’ll be homophobic too. If all the gay that suffers was rapping other guys, I’LL BECOME HOMOPHOBIC WITHOUT BEING ASHAMED OF IT.
    He’s way worse than a b@st@rd, yet you’re comparing him with some poor gays that suffers, some poor GOOD PERSONS for most of them. Dude, can’t believe your comment

    Anonymous August 15, 2020 3:40 pm

    Anyways we all have our priority, if you thing being homophobic even by being so quiet and only being a little awkward with other gays, by not saying ANYTHING and just trying to ignore the gays, is worse than rapping, which is a crime and something even the worst person doesn’t have to live, than good for you. It’s your opinion.

    Anonymous August 15, 2020 3:42 pm

    If all the gays* that suffers were*

    Dang, being angry while writing’s making me make so many mistakes

    Anyways. I disagree with you, and I know so many yaois got some rape but if people are starting to normalize rape because of that we have a big problem here

    Quicksilver August 15, 2020 6:25 pm
    + No, he’s not symbolizing a broken heart gay, or I’ll be homophobic too. If all the gay that suffers was rapping other guys, I’LL BECOME HOMOPHOBIC WITHOUT BEING ASHAMED OF IT.He’s way worse than a b@s... @Anonymous

    Wait. I don't mean he symbolizes a broken hearted gay man. sorry. I'm saying that in an abstract way, he symbolizes, in general, one aspect of being a gay man. That is, that it's too bad that people were ever homophobic instead of accepting.
    I don't mean Lee Kang as an individual, though I do think the author means for us to recognize that he's angry about Junho's snub, and that that is one of his motivations for raping Junho, the other is that it hurts more when it's someone you've had a crush on for a long time.

    I don't think the author is writing him as a typical gay man who can be a symbol for all gay men. He's not a typical gay man by any stretch.

    Still, there is one aspect of being a gay man that might be virtually one hundred percent true, that it's painful the way society has dealt with gay men throughout the ages.
    No matter how much we might dislike the character, I think we can sympathize with that one aspect, however small, and in that one small aspect as the literary device that Lee Kang is, I think we might see him as symbolic.
    It's my take on it. that's all

    Quicksilver August 15, 2020 6:30 pm
    Too hard ?Oh my god, yaoi’s making some of us crazy dudeJunho may have been a little homophobic, but he just wanted to ignore it. Never said anything about it, never gonna do it (until Lee Kang started to do ... @Anonymous

    Maybe I shouldn't enjoy the rape scenes, but I do.

    Quicksilver August 15, 2020 7:11 pm
    If all the gays* that suffers were*Dang, being angry while writing’s making me make so many mistakesAnyways. I disagree with you, and I know so many yaois got some rape but if people are starting to normalize... @Anonymous

    Please bear with the following as an example of something I've tried to say:
    Say, there's an author who writes a novel about a woman being raped in all its horrific aspects. And some people enjoy reading it and think it's sexy.
    The general population, the people who read, protest that the author shouldn't be titillating any of the audience by thinking that normalizing rape is okay for him to do, and that the author used bad judgement and could have and should have chosen to write about something other than rape, which might cause pain. The public considers that a ban of such writing might be appropriate, or even that the public should let authors know better.

    Are you with me so far?
    In the end, the literary community lauds and gives highest recognition to this novel.
    Why? because the rape of the woman is a metaphor for the rape of a small country by big business, a protest against the siphoning off the country's natural resources of food and supplies necessary for the survival of the indigenous people who live there.
    The woman represents the blameless innocence of the citizens, the rapist represents big business interests.
    The author found the one and only perfect metaphor that he could use for his message.

    This example is why I'm so opposed to people leaning on authors to stop writing about rape or any other subject, and I think it's is a reason why Freedom of Speech and Expression is so important.
    I think we have to allow authors and artists freedom to write about absolutely anything.
    This example isn't based on reality. it's just a way I thought I might make a point.

    Quicksilver August 15, 2020 8:16 pm
    If all the gays* that suffers were*Dang, being angry while writing’s making me make so many mistakesAnyways. I disagree with you, and I know so many yaois got some rape but if people are starting to normalize... @Anonymous

    so you're actually worked up about this, huh? LOL