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I’m gonna rant, so sorry for my English it not my first language. First of all, the tran...

Tired August 14, 2020 11:38 pm

I’m gonna rant, so sorry for my English it not my first language. First of all, the translators have every reason to drop something they didn’t like or don’t like like now if they read it again. That a valid reason on to why not working on it again. An example of this is a comic artist working on a comic, if the artist doesn’t like how the story is going that a valid reason onto not continue working on something or anything the matter. This work is done for FREE, FREEEEE, YOUR NOT PAY FOR THESE TRANSACTIONS. Translations takes time and the right person or people to do it. So those cleaning and making things look pretty for you to read, and did I mention it was for free? They are not going to give professional work because they aren’t getting paid for this, they aren’t getting money to do this. Second of all, you don’t know how long they been working on this, you don’t know how if they first liked it at first before rereading it and realizing. Hey I don’t like this story so much anymore so we are dropping it. That a valid reason to not do a project like this, especially if a passion project. People are allowed to change their minds middle way of doing this and they gave their reasons onto why. You don’t agree with them? Then find don’t, but don’t invalidate their feeling unto why they do so. If you are allowed to criticize their reasons for dropping the manga then they are allowed to criticize a manga they are working on. People are allowed to criticize works, like mangas and other things.Also, you don’t know if the translators uploaded this, you don’t know if they did this in their website or page, blog ect and some downloaded and uploaded here. They are allowed to express their opinions on something, just like the rest of you, they are human just like you. And again, YOUR GETTING IT ILLEGALLY

    fluffy_magnus August 15, 2020 12:26 am

    ofc they can drop projects but it's how they went about it. just bc they can say smth doesn't mean they should tbh. it was enough to say "sorry guys we don't like this story anymore so we are dropping it" without being so mean. There was rly no reason to insult the author and their manga so extensively (especially since it was clear they are new at this and that kind of behavior is just fucking discouraging) and their reasons for dropping the story were rly biased and it felt like they were trying to justify themselves by pushing the concept that its "boring". Also since they know further chapters it means the whole volume was available, don't u read through the whole thing before u translate it????? so they should have known its not their cup of tea and just drop the whole project right there. Plus, translators are not some holy people that we must worship at all costs (especially when they act like that) since translating and scanning is just as illegal as us reading it on illegal sites. I'm sorry but the only person who was wronged here was the author not some translation team that took their work and spread it illegally.

    Damn August 15, 2020 1:14 am
    ofc they can drop projects but it's how they went about it. just bc they can say smth doesn't mean they should tbh. it was enough to say "sorry guys we don't like this story anymore so we are dropping it" witho... fluffy_magnus

    I have to disagree, firstly I never said that we need to workship translators or treat them godly, I said we need to treat them like human that have different opinions and are allowed to express themselves. So no I never said that they should be workship, and how do you know they post this here for you to read and not their small group of followers? About the reading before translating, I said that they might change their minds after translating and further understanding the story after they finished translating. People are allowed to change their mind, even if it negative. Secondly people are allowed to called a story boring and they even elaborate why the story is boring, so not it not a further push of excusing why it boring. I can call a show boring and explain why the show is boring and that what they did. If you disagree then disagree however that their opinion. And like you said, even if you put something positive we are still wronging the author no matter what.

    fluffy_magnus August 15, 2020 1:45 am
    I have to disagree, firstly I never said that we need to workship translators or treat them godly, I said we need to treat them like human that have different opinions and are allowed to express themselves. So ... Damn

    I don't mean u said that but I felt like u meant that with ur comment. u allow them to act all high and mighty yet we are not allowed to criticize that. Btw. even if they post it to the group of their followers it doesn't rly matter, it's not like u wouldn't be able to access it u just have to follow them.

    like I said again, just bc u CAN say smth doesn't mean u SHOULD. also They didnt rly "just explained why it's boring" that's why I had a problem with that but whatever, u seem to think that's all that happened so no point arguing there. They reaaaaally didn't need to justify why they dropped it but they did just to hate on it. I've seen a lot of projects being dropped and the translators never trashed the work just said we are dropping it that's it. these people decided to expand on that and it was in poor taste. Ig in the end it's the matter of values, I just don't like how they laughed at it after knowing the artist is new at this. It reminded me of ppl trashing fics of some beginner writers which is just so unnecessary. These translators know ppl won't read raws so if they say stuff like this ppl will take it as the word of God and use this biased opinion to say its bad. Translators are humans but they also have some kind of responsibility too. Btw. If I took someone's work and spread it illegally, the least I could do is just not trash it i suppose.

    Damn August 15, 2020 2:30 am
    I don't mean u said that but I felt like u meant that with ur comment. u allow them to act all high and mighty yet we are not allowed to criticize that. Btw. even if they post it to the group of their followers... fluffy_magnus

    So, if a regular reader says they found the story boring and that the story is lacking is okay but if a translator team does it all the sudden it bad or that they are trashing the story? As if they aren’t reading the story along just like the rest of the reader but just translating it so others can enjoy it? Huh ok I see. Then by your logic no one is allowed to say that the story is bad and that it not good that why they are dropping it? Also just because other translators haven’t done it doesn’t mean they criticize it before or express disliking. I follow translators tumblrs and websites myself and they have expressed their opinion on the story. Also they just gave reasons why they are dropping it, again if you disagree then that on you. If you thought that they were laughing at the author then that on you as well because how I saw it, is that they give point of reason why they won’t translate and why they dislike the story. And all of the sudden people aren’t allowed to have opinions? You said that they are giving the bias opinions but people saying that the story is good is also a biased opinion so what now? Also if people take that way then that on them not the translators, they just gave a summary of the rest of the story if people want to continue reading the story AGAIN that on THEM TO DECIDE. also it doesn’t matter what people do with the author work positive or not it still illegal. Do you think they care if what they received is positive or negative? No, their work was taken ILLEGALLY meaning that they are losing money.

    fluffy_magnus August 15, 2020 2:44 am
    So, if a regular reader says they found the story boring and that the story is lacking is okay but if a translator team does it all the sudden it bad or that they are trashing the story? As if they aren’t rea... Damn

    No, you clearly keep missing my point and I don't wanna keep arguing and explaining it. My problem was never about them dropping it and it was more nuanced. like I said at the end, it's the matter of values and you and the translators clearly have different ones so ig have a nice day? I still don't get why u are all about people expressing their opinions yet ur og comment was basically about how the readers here aren't rly allowed to do that.

    Damn August 15, 2020 2:53 am
    No, you clearly keep missing my point and I don't wanna keep arguing and explaining it. My problem was never about them dropping it and it was more nuanced. like I said at the end, it's the matter of values and... fluffy_magnus

    Then no again, your the one missing my whole point. I never said that the comments can’t have a different opinion to the translators, in fact I said that you don’t have to agree with their points, you don’t have to agree with the reasons why they dropped. I said that if your allowed to express your opinions on to why they don’t want to continue then so can they. YOU missed my whole point of statement, YOU missed read what I said. I don’t want to argue as well, because you keep twisting my words. So good day

    fluffy_magnus August 15, 2020 3:04 am
    Then no again, your the one missing my whole point. I never said that the comments can’t have a different opinion to the translators, in fact I said that you don’t have to agree with their points, you don�... Damn

    you know what? no, after u responded like that I can't leave it here. I was nice to you yet you are so hostile. I didn't miss your point I just said it was never about WHY, it was about HOW, I literally said that in the first sentence of my response to you yet you kept talking abt why. this is why we keep missing each other. I didn't twist your words it's u constantly doing that to me. All I did was say that your response comes across like we shouldn't criticize the translators. And you keep using phrases like "by your logic" etc. which are just classic for twisting someone's words.

    fluffy_magnus August 15, 2020 3:09 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! uughhh

    sigh I didn't even like the story, I just disliked how the translators acted and idk why that's so hard to understand. if they can criticize, i can criticize too

    Damn August 15, 2020 3:10 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! uughhh

    Damn August 15, 2020 3:28 am

    Then I should too, I was never hostile to you if I came that way then I’m sorry, however my intentions was never there.. Yes, you went on how they went about it, but there’s always a why before the how. I already explained to you that the translators are allowed to express themselves HOW they so please because they are humans with opinions just like the rest of us .If others don’t like HOW they express themselves then are allowed to express their opinions as well. And when I said your twisting my words was when YOU said that I don’t allow the other commentators to express their opinions when I said that they could. HOWEVER they shouldn’t invalided the translators opinions if they don’t want their opinions to be invalided as well. If they disagree then they disagree, it a matter of opinion. I never workship translators you Applied that I was even tho I said that they are humans just like the rest of us. I was saying by your logic because that what I was getting from you, just like you did to me. No to so fun isn’t?

    T-raw August 15, 2020 8:59 am
    sigh I didn't even like the story, I just disliked how the translators acted and idk why that's so hard to understand. if they can criticize, i can criticize too fluffy_magnus

    Just to clarify, all you've been trying to say is that you don't care if the translators stop working on this project but that you thought it was rude of them to rag on the story unnecessarily.

    If so then I agree, I think they could have just left it at the first little "hated this so we're gunna drop it" and moved on.

    MangaSanctuary September 22, 2020 1:43 am
    ofc they can drop projects but it's how they went about it. just bc they can say smth doesn't mean they should tbh. it was enough to say "sorry guys we don't like this story anymore so we are dropping it" witho... fluffy_magnus

    100 % with you on this. It's not because we can say or do something that we should, it's not complicated to understand, particularly because they're translators of this story btw.
    If they had the whole volume and knew the story in advance and hated it, they shouldn't have started it in the first place.

    It's understandable they wanted to drop the translation, now the way they expressed it... :/
    Rude as fuck, really.