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I'm wondering why does someone decide to translate a story and then decide to drop it beca...

Potato-san August 13, 2020 8:30 am

I'm wondering why does someone decide to translate a story and then decide to drop it because they suddenly come to the realization that it's not their cup of tea? I mean it doesn't sound like a great manga judging by the summary the translation team made and I don't have a problem with teams dropping projects. But like why start working on it at all if you know already that you hate the story and think that it's shit? Or am I just not getting something?

    JulyInAugust August 13, 2020 8:43 am

    They may have started translating without reading ahead.

    Potato-san August 13, 2020 3:13 pm

    If the rest of the chapters hadn't come out when they translated the first one, how could they add the summary of the continuing chapters to the very first chapter?