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Awww thanks. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ I couldn't reply to your earlier post because the or...

soie_yoie August 12, 2020 4:10 pm

Awww thanks. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

I couldn't reply to your earlier post because the original poster won't let me, but i wanted to reply to your post.

There's so many ppl out there that's angry about the subject of rape. The arguments are always the same.

1) rape is in every yaoi - but thats not true. Look at the tags and warnings a lot of the times. if there is rape, you can avoid reading it. There are none rape stories out there. Lol it does exist.

2)just because its not real doesn't mean its ok.- counter agument : this is just a story its not real. Rape activists thinks this as equal to rape is ok. Thats just stupid. It just means literally "its a story. Its not real". No one says rape is ok. They always act like if you read it. You endorse it, but they themselves read it too.

3) stop telling me to not read it.- like wtf? That's so illogical. You WANT ppl to tell you to read things you DON'T like? Wtf????!!!!!! Like does that mean you WANT to read it? Like a guilty pleasure?????!!!? Cuz this just doesn't make sense. If you dont like it, why do you want to read it.

4) yaoi glorified rape.- well this is true to a point, but there are dark topics like murder and violence. These topics are very bad but its always glorified in movies. Its also in yaoi too, but literally no one complains about it. Because we all know its not real. No normal person will go out and murder just cuz they saw it in a manga. Same with rape. Most yaoi readers are females. You seriously think these girls are gonna go out and rape men now because they read a lot of rape? Like seriously?

i never understood this because most anti-rape commentors dont care for murder. In real life murder is a much worse offense than rape. Why is murder ok in manga but not rape? It's like they don't understand the real world. Also just because there are bad topic doesnt mean its illegal to write/draw/animate it.

These anti rape are so illogical and they keep ignoring tags and warning. They just keep reading rape mangas. I don't get them.

Honestly out of 5 yaoi releases i only read about 2 or 1 because i dont like the topic. If i dont like it, i just avoid it. I dont complain about how translators keep releasing crap i hate. I have no right to pick and choose what thier projects are but i CAN pick and choose what i am willing to read.

Lol if you like my first comment you can copy, paste, alter it, whatever you like to those anti rape ppl. They seem so out of touch with reality.


Ps thanks.

    You're a dumbass August 12, 2020 4:35 pm

    Anyway thanks for being so nice. I've been kinda scared to read any of the comments since I know it's just gonna be people complaining. Even when there isn't any rape people still wanna complain. Glad to know there are still nice people on this website. (⌒▽⌒)

    soie_yoie August 12, 2020 5:09 pm
    Anyway thanks for being so nice. I've been kinda scared to read any of the comments since I know it's just gonna be people complaining. Even when there isn't any rape people still wanna complain. Glad to know t... You're a dumbass

    Lol thanks you are a sweetheart too!

    Yeah i totally agree. Sometimes reading comments really bog down my day. Like why so negative. Its true some mangas deserve it, but there are a lot of ppl behind that manga that worked hard on it so that other ppl could read it for free. So many ungreatful ppl out there.

    (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    You're a dumbass August 12, 2020 5:52 pm
    Lol thanks you are a sweetheart too!Yeah i totally agree. Sometimes reading comments really bog down my day. Like why so negative. Its true some mangas deserve it, but there are a lot of ppl behind that manga t... soie_yoie

    Yep especially since it's all pirated. They're basically complaining about something they're reading for free. Talk about entitled. It almost makes me wish that all translators would just stop translating yaoi. They can't complain about it anymore if they don't know what's going on. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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