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So like you loved him but had a child in between the years you loved him and the confessio...

ShirooYasha August 11, 2020 8:02 pm

So like you loved him but had a child in between the years you loved him and the confession wAs so light hearted couldn’t feel sincerity from it stopped reading from chapter 4.

    frances August 11, 2020 9:38 pm

    For what I understood. Kouhei didn't know what he really feels for tomoya at that time. He thought it was some kind of friendship feeling. But after the divorce he started to think what it was so he contacted tomoya and then theres where he understood his feelings.

    Yaoimutt August 12, 2020 12:24 pm

    Welcome to real life. Life and love doesn’t always go the way you planned, especially for many queer people, they tend to force themselves into straight relationships, get married, have children because that’s what’s expected of them. You act as though the uke also didn’t sleep around.