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Random Talk ( Don't Restrict my ACC it's Abt manga )

SerenadeUwU August 11, 2020 3:58 pm

Let's talk about a manga called Liebling; Wait let's take a moment to appreciate the AMOUNT OF EFFORT the creator put into the cheaks.

I'm weird i know but just-
It's not the the cheaks but the art is Pretty good, and the plot actually makes sense. Totally Recommend this manga. Its somewhat a comedy, and It's has those cute and adorable moments, more down the line you'll find that this manga has more of a twist to it than u think, Backstory?: MwAh, Drama; MwAH, Unbelievably cute/hot moments that make you scream " DAYUM DADDYY. " : MWAH ( ok the " Dayum daddy " parts I think that is only me- BUT STILL DAYUM DADDY. ) If u didn't even bat an eye to Liebling your not human, and ur missing out big time, like it's one of those moments when ur like " Damn, I fucked up. " This is one of those moments, read the damn manga, ok?!

    Wolfgang August 11, 2020 4:10 pm

    I actually tried it out though and didn't like it...