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Me: Honestly...I am not a fan of such plot. Male Mc turns into a female. And the only way ...

SeeHart Wolfgang August 9, 2020 8:56 am

Me: Honestly...I am not a fan of such plot. Male Mc turns into a female. And the only way to revert himself back is by having sex with another male lead or a man.

And then after the sex, Mc turns back into a male. And again somehow or maybe at night or day, he turns back into a woman. And the other male lead has to fuck mc's female self. It's more like a straight smut if u tell me. There's more m/f fuckibg then m/m. And them after some time Mc falls for male lead...urgh...and then they have sex as m/m for once and then turns female again...and then someone tries to take his female self ot something cliché plot non stop XD

I just hope it's not like all the other cliché guy turns into woman plot. I am tired of it. I wanna read something different XD

Also me: bruh...who hurt you? Why so serious?

    snoopy August 9, 2020 9:02 am

    ikr,if it's gonna be like that I'd rather read those ecchi hetero mangas

    SeeHart Wolfgang August 9, 2020 4:23 pm
    ikr,if it's gonna be like that I'd rather read those ecchi hetero mangas snoopy

    Totally. I agree