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not yaoi manga

448j445 August 9, 2020 5:56 am

so i was looking for two mangas i read when i was younger so these are pretty old and unpopular i believe. one is about an artist who's quiet and she falls in love with this bad boy type who drives motorcycles or something and i remember her getting bullied and sexually assaulted by her art teacher. there was this one scene where the bullies were about to crush her fingers (since she's an artist yknow) and she was like "i can just learn to draw with my other hand, some artist out there knows how to draw with their feet, or i can use my mouth. are you going to crush my mouth too?" yeah
and the second manga i read was really weird and all over the place but basically it was about this boy who was good at fixing stuff so he was fixing this girl's robot and then something weird happened? and then i remember there being a recurring motif with how the main character rubbed his hands on his jeans to make them look faded. then it switched over to a rich girl being kidnapped and held for ransom, and apparently they were able to do this because a female accomplice had acted as the tutor of the rich girl. the female accomplice fell into water and was saved by a sea creature that turns into a human boy sometimes and ended up in this other man's house who she didn't know. there she went to the bathroom and saw a different girl trapped in the mirror or something but it faded away. if anyone finds the second one i love you.
