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The author is banned from my country awokwkwkwkwk and now she's making webtoon for interna...

Kontol Meledak August 8, 2020 8:42 pm

The author is banned from my country awokwkwkwkwk and now she's making webtoon for international reader? Wtf

    Ivben August 9, 2020 1:36 am

    In what Country do u Live ?

    skivegvrl August 9, 2020 4:41 am
    In what Country do u Live ? Ivben

    Ummmm let me tell you she's from indonesia, actually I love her drawing style but yeah she's kinda asshxxx

    skivegvrl August 9, 2020 5:03 am
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    she scammm her fans by selling merch but not shipping it, then she made a statement that he was sexually abused by his stepfather and he was kicked out of the house by her mother etc.

    skivegvrl August 9, 2020 5:40 am
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    you know she's been scammer since 2012 and I don't think she apologized from her heart, and what makes more insane is she lied that have sexual abuse by her stepfather in another way her mom is a single parent also her sister is tired of her so they decide to take responsibility refund all the money to her fans

    *sorry my grammar is kinda suck LOL

    Kontol Meledak August 9, 2020 9:48 pm

    She's from Indonesia. She created a official comic on webtoon back in 2016, '304 study room'. Her drawing is hella good actually, the story is good. But she scammed her fans, make a fake backstory about her life, etc, etc.

    skivegvrl August 10, 2020 1:55 pm
    She's from Indonesia. She created a official comic on webtoon back in 2016, '304 study room'. Her drawing is hella good actually, the story is good. But she scammed her fans, make a fake backstory about her lif... Kontol Meledak

    asuk usernamenya tolol w ngakak bgst

    Syara_Chan January 20, 2021 3:55 pm

    Tau cara bacanya ngga di webtoon? Pengen banget bacaa

    lucia_luce January 21, 2021 3:30 pm
    Tau cara bacanya ngga di webtoon? Pengen banget bacaa Syara_Chan

    Di webtoon canvas inggris, tapi orang indo gak bisa baca wkwk mau g mau lpake vpn

    Kontol Meledak January 21, 2021 4:14 pm

    gausah pake aplikasi webtun, tinggal pake browser biasa terus ke situs webtun yg eng udah bisa baca yg eng

    kecuali kalo mau beli koin, tinggal di apk webtunnya ganti region

    Syara_Chan January 21, 2021 4:15 pm
    Di webtoon canvas inggris, tapi orang indo gak bisa baca wkwk mau g mau lpake vpn lucia_luce

    Makasiii ntar aku cobaa