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To readers who project onto characters or who a have a strict checklist for ‘morals’

Crypnix August 7, 2020 9:42 am

If you can’t have empathy over a fictional character who’s a teen mom with childhood trauma, I wonder how you react to people who struggle in real life. I wonder how you give advice to friends and loved ones. I wonder how you react to news of people being gunned down. I wonder, do you only socialise to people who are aligned with your ‘moral code’? It seems like your world view is very restricted. Very ignorant over reality. It must be such a shock to go onto this site and read fictional stories And then get so freaked out that they have elements of real life. I bet you get so freaked out. I think you only expect your life and the mangas/manhwas That you read to only be about linear happy things.
