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People need to fucking stop being so sensitive about the sexual assault/rape that they thi...

brils August 7, 2020 7:46 am

People need to fucking stop being so sensitive about the sexual assault/rape that they think happened in this manga. You guys are just so delusional you can't even differentiate fiction and real life duh get a life. Is rape bad? YES IT IS, any sane person would think so. We know it's bad in REAL LIFE because we still have common sense. Yaoi mangas on the other hand sometimes just don't make sense and the idea is that we just have to take these things lightly bcs it doesn't happen in real life. It can be annoying, if it strays from reality waaay further, but bruh this is what we're here for, reading mangas to escape from reality just for a bit and not to take things waaay more seriously ಠ︵ಠ

    Leia August 13, 2020 5:36 pm

    I've been saying that too. It's not bad that people are letting others be aware of sexual assault and rape but fiction is still fiction for me. Hate that it would happen irl but it's just common sense that you wont do that shit in reality. It's simply a thing incorporated into the plot. Yes, it sucks and it's not morally nor legally right but it's just a story and a lot of people dont really mind reading that. People always get it wrong that im normalizing it but im not. I dont want that to happen to anyone else irl cause I've experienced it myself. We're all allowed to like and dislike certain things and all i really want is that other people respect the ones they discuss this with even when they disagree. The content may be triggering for others but if you dislike it then you can just stop reading it. It's just not right to get mad and diss other people for having a different view. Again, a lot of people who have common sense knows that it's wrong and wont do that kinda shit irl so there's really not much of a need to get worked up over a story that will remain fictional.

    Renvz August 14, 2020 10:04 pm
    I've been saying that too. It's not bad that people are letting others be aware of sexual assault and rape but fiction is still fiction for me. Hate that it would happen irl but it's just common sense that you ... Leia

    i love you (/TДT)/

    brils August 15, 2020 4:43 am
    I've been saying that too. It's not bad that people are letting others be aware of sexual assault and rape but fiction is still fiction for me. Hate that it would happen irl but it's just common sense that you ... Leia

    You just worded what I've wanted to say waay better than me, thank you!

    Leia August 15, 2020 4:46 am
    i love you (/TДT)/ Renvz

    Haha thanks

    Leia August 15, 2020 4:47 am
    You just worded what I've wanted to say waay better than me, thank you! brils

    Thanks too. I've been insulted a couple of times before cause of this way of thinking even though i meant no harm lol so i get where youre coming from.

    estelariibs August 15, 2020 9:18 am

    Girl, you have a problem with your head. It is no use finding rape and any type of sexual abuse wrong "in real life" and telling people to be less "sensitive" about content that does has sexual assault. First of all, it is a huge disrespect to normalize and romanticize this type of thing, when many people go through this type of thing every day.And that marks their lives forever. Second, I don't know what world you live in, but any type of work reflects society, and influences society as a whole. You can't come here and say that just because this is a manga, it's okay to romanticize this type of situation and hope that it doesn't influence people's views on such a delicate subject. If you think that this type of content entertains you, if you are not disgusted by this type of thing, this is on you.

    Renvz August 15, 2020 10:10 am
    Girl, you have a problem with your head. It is no use finding rape and any type of sexual abuse wrong "in real life" and telling people to be less "sensitive" about content that does has sexual assault. First o... estelariibs

    im not completely agree with your opinion and first of all there’s nothing wrong with the head of the one that write the comment, people perspective is different so you just can’t say that people that like this kinda content is “normalize” and “romanticize” this type thing irl bc as the person that write the comment say it’s just manga as you may know some manga is made with imagination with no base of logic like when you imagine something that may won’t happen irl it’s like fantasy but in normal life way, and there’s type of these kinda thing you know tag right? you can see it in the bottom there’s tag for it and if you don’t like it just don’t read it. it’s ok to critique it but doesnt mean its ok to insult the person who like it wrong in the head, people has their own type to thing but doesn’t mean you can categorize the people who like it “normalize” or “romanticize” this kinda thing some people may do that but not all since you don’t know the person who write this in the end you just stereotype people base on your opinion, there’s wall between manga or anime and real life something you like in manga doesn't mean you like it irl.
    im sorry if my word sound rude or insulting in anyway, you can keep your opinion since people is different is alright if you dont like it but dont just insult people who like it (/TДT)/

    brils August 15, 2020 11:48 am
    Girl, you have a problem with your head. It is no use finding rape and any type of sexual abuse wrong "in real life" and telling people to be less "sensitive" about content that does has sexual assault. First o... estelariibs

    Ok first of all, everyone has different opinions. I respect yours. But, to counter your argument, I'm not saying: oh this is okay because it's only a manga thus I'm normalizing or romanticizing it.

    It's because there are sooo many works like this out there, already made and published by the authors, that we can't help but decide whether to read or not. If you hate it then don't read it. If you keep reading it despite feeling uncomfortable then you can warn new readers with trigger warnings. Problem is, these authors already made this manga this way. It's already out there in the market, what are we gonna do? Whine and complain in a pirate manga website so the author would notice the fault here and would try to change their storyline? There's no use. By whining like this we can't change the r*pe troupe made by authors. You say fictional works shape our society, then what can we do then to change these type of trends in mangas? Surely not by writing angry comments in a PIRATE website. Well the good way to criticize these works is by educating people who "read it and don't find the problem with it" that this is WRONG in real life, without having to cancel everything about the manga itself. Why?

    Well there are obviously some fucked up works that are strong in portraying r*ape. That kind of mangas typically are made to be as smutty as possible, with less if not no plot at all. In this case then you can't actually blame the author because that's originally the intention, it's not for the faint of heart. Mangago already has tags for this, use it. If you're not sure you wanna read it then don't if you don't want to regret it afterwards. Examples like this are Harada's work. People say it's masterpiece even tho it's fucked up. Are these people who say it's a masterpiece normalizing things like this in real life? No. Because this people already know the difference between types of yaoi manga troupes like this.

    THEN there's another type of manga with plot and character development. To make this type of manga smutty, you DON'T have to insert r*pe scenes to make it hot, otherwise it's just gonna turn people off and rescind said character development. In this case, you *can* say, hey this is wrong. We don't condone this behavior. That's it.

    The problem in this 2nd type of manga is that some people can have a problem to differentiate what kind of "ehh okay" r*pe scene or the "strong no" r*pe scene. If you have read vast troupes of yaoi mangas then you can have a good picture in your mind which manga with r*pe scene is "okay but definitely not okay in real life" or "nope nope both in fiction and real life"

    I'm not sure if my intention came across you or not but I hope it does.

    Leia August 15, 2020 12:53 pm
    Girl, you have a problem with your head. It is no use finding rape and any type of sexual abuse wrong "in real life" and telling people to be less "sensitive" about content that does has sexual assault. First o... estelariibs

    Please dont say that we are normalizing these type of things. We have already respected others opinions by not replying in other threads and also by not insulting other people's views. We are merely expressing our thoughts and think that there are also a majority who share the same view. We're not really causing anyone harm and just like brils said, the author already made it this way and a lot of BL mangas that are published have this type of story. I personally have experienced sexual assault and it took a while to get better and im still affected by it if something happens to me in reality that triggers it. To be honest, i will carry that trauma for the rest of my life. But reading about something in a story doesnt affect me that much because i dont let it blur my view of reality. It will stay fictional and wont harm me in any way that's why i can still read these type of stories. I do stay away from psychological genres because that can be super messed up and triggering. But what im saying is, please dont attack others like this and say "you've got a problem with your head" because we dont really know each other enough to say things like that. Yes, rape and sexual assault is a very sensitive topic but i agree that we can just help others avoid reading this manga instead if in case that this can be triggering because we cant change how the story is anymore.

    Sam iam August 27, 2020 4:19 am

    there was rape?

    Leia August 27, 2020 6:20 am
    there was rape? Sam iam

    Seme pinned down uke on ch3 and made him cum. There wasnt any penetration though. Also, seme stole uke's first kiss on ch1.