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Niki August 6, 2020 4:00 pm

Raws anyone??

    KaiGavin August 7, 2020 12:47 am착각은-자유 Asdfghj

    how do you keep track of toonkor? the links are always changing?

    Asdfghj August 7, 2020 5:52 am
    how do you keep track of toonkor? the links are always changing? KaiGavin

    I keep the link of whatever webtoon in my search bar and because I access it frequently it pops up when I only write "t" so even though the link changes it still takes me to the website (same with newtoki) / or I copy it to my clipboard and then paste it into the search bar (if that makes sense)

    Here's the link for newtoki which never changes and takes you to the main page, it might be easier just in case (has the same webtoons as tk)

    KaiGavin August 7, 2020 6:35 am

    thank you. i'll try newtoki for a bit.
    i've tried keeping copies of old toonkor links but i end up with an error page not found when it changes.