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... hahahha just me randomly thinking about it if Maria takes a week of his lifespan every...

BetterLeftUnknown August 5, 2020 4:36 pm

... hahahha just me randomly thinking about it if Maria takes a week of his lifespan every year how long will he live before he dies...? (wait is that the correct way of asking srry not really my first language lol)

PS i ain't good at math so ( ̄∇ ̄")> sorry about that as well hahahah

    Lazy Potato August 5, 2020 4:48 pm

    Well, if Maria takes a whole year off of his lifespan he can eat for more or less 52 years. Since we dont know how long he actually lives soooo just for reference?

    BetterLeftUnknown August 6, 2020 3:52 am
    Well, if Maria takes a whole year off of his lifespan he can eat for more or less 52 years. Since we dont know how long he actually lives soooo just for reference? Lazy Potato

    Ah.. Thank you! hahaha
    i've been trying to imagine it but can't hahahaha
    i knew he was gonna live long but not VERY LONG so i was right when i thought he might die in a "middle age" type of range or something HAHAHH

    still kinda sad thinking he'd forget everything once the seme dies