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i was hoping for something else

alice August 4, 2020 2:31 am

i was wishing he was gonna be bi but he really just pretended to be gay to get closer to her that’s messed up .... but i will be reading it to see how this will unfold

    Tai August 16, 2020 12:22 am

    so many times when this kind of scenario pops up in an asian comic im just here like "um bi people Exist! u guys? U GUYS?" and alas they never hear me. rip all my bi bros. truly they are underrepresented in all media forms.

    TheChilliest August 17, 2020 1:59 am
    so many times when this kind of scenario pops up in an asian comic im just here like "um bi people Exist! u guys? U GUYS?" and alas they never hear me. rip all my bi bros. truly they are underrepresented in all... Tai

    I was feelin the same it's one way or the other in comics and that maybe the author would explode if they're leads were...I don't know attracted to both men and women!( ̄∇ ̄")

    Neith February 27, 2021 11:36 am
    so many times when this kind of scenario pops up in an asian comic im just here like "um bi people Exist! u guys? U GUYS?" and alas they never hear me. rip all my bi bros. truly they are underrepresented in all... Tai

    Damn ikr,
    And sometimes when someone finds out I'm bi, they think I'm a lesbian, like they don't even fucking know what bisexual means, let alone any other term!