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It's stories like that keep me reading BL

PetitFae August 1, 2020 3:51 am

This was a really sweet story. It was realistic and the relationship between Mikado and Misaki was healthy albeit there was blackmail in the beginning. It was a very messy case concerning consent. Misaki was drunk off his ass and Mikado had managed to get somewhat if not completely sober. Misaki did ask for Mikado for a video, but he was drunk and not in his right mind. This is not an open-shut case of sexual assault.
This world is drenched in heteronormativity and compulsive heterosexuality. There are a lot of people who do not realize that they experience any level of attraction towards their own gender. Yaoi/BL loves having straight men "turn gay" which is so fucking homophobic, but there are a lot of Yaoi/BL that really illustrate realistic cases of where men who do not have a past of being attracted to men fall in love with other men. In some cases these men are actually more bisexual or at least bi-curious. However, Yaoi/BL really never brings up bisexuality. It is a hard line between being gay and straight. No other sexualities are represented at all.
Japan has no education about LGBTQIA+ people so most people would assume that they are something other than straight. For some people it does take experimenting to realize that they are not straight.
Mikado was overly fixated on Misaki since the beginning of the manga. Hate and Love are two sides of the same coin. Both require passion, energy and time spent thinking about the person. So, this manga is way more believable to me than others. As for the blackmail. they had dirt on each other and so in my mind it was rather level despite their differences in status in their workplace. Mikado's blackmail was arguably worse because if it got out that would be the same things as outing him to everyone as well as showing him drunk as fuck during sex. Mikado would only be embarrassed by others finding out his hobby. In the end nothing came out of others finding out. I feel like Misaki would get pushed over the edge if the sex tape got out.
