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space_ex July 31, 2020 8:51 pm

did anyone relate so fucking much to Sanho here???
literally every relationship i've ever witnessed has been horrific and at best filled with poorly patched feelings following huge issues like infideliity and shit. So for the longest time i felt incapable of love, and then i got my first gf and i realized that i wasn't IN Love with her but holy fuck im about to fall in love. u know what i did? freaked the fuck out and dumped her, because i decided that our relationship was doomed and that she could do better. never had a conversation with her about it and we were both a lil younger so we let it go.
So self-sabotaging before you've even gotten started.... i feel that lol

    KreyaS July 31, 2020 9:24 pm

    I feel that on whole new personal level. Have been through the same shit with my ex boyfriend . He was not perfect himself, but was a pretty nice guy. But I acted like a total idiot, broke up with him and hurt him in the end too.