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luv my blue haired boy

space_ex July 31, 2020 7:47 pm

i thought gemseum was gonna be an asshole, bc he's definitely a dick who will tease his friends and partner, but in these last few chapters u see how much he really cares. I think he's acting cool so nobody will worry about the larger threats he's dealing with on his own. He's trying incredibly hard to protect San and 704 above all, which now includes Eunjae since the others r attached now lol. I feel like he has such a good heart :)

    blueninja89 July 31, 2020 8:19 pm

    I literally made a post about this and compared him to Edward Cullen for this very reason not just as a joke, but case he’s perfect example in pop culture people readily recognize. “He” thinks his intentions are good, but he expresses them in a very unhealthy way at the cost of his partner’s free will and agency. Why this continues to be seen as endearing and romantic is literally the problem with characters like Geumsun his attractiveness romanticizes everything he does. We have repeatedly seen he does whatever he wants regardless of 704’s opposition or voicing his discomfort. We have virtually no info on what’s going on just like 704. And likely to 704 he’s in an arrangement he’s forced to accept because of the cost benefits. It’s not a “good heart” when you control your partner. Especially when the author has chosen to show 704 is very vocal he doesn’t like how Geumsun treats him. And I’m sick of that kind of defense as normal. If you fantasize about that in your partner enjoy that on your own. Don’t broadcast that kind of warped logic as normal or healthy.

    space_ex July 31, 2020 9:00 pm
    I literally made a post about this and compared him to Edward Cullen for this very reason not just as a joke, but case he’s perfect example in pop culture people readily recognize. “He” thinks his intenti... blueninja89

    yeah i didn't touch into that in my post because i just wanted to talk about his good hearted intentions, and not so much their consequences. But I 100% agree - especially in the Manga community there's so many controlling and somewhat predatory troupes that have always made me uncomfotable. For me, Gemseun isn't the worst only because he just doesn't properly communicate his thoughts and feelings - although, that's probably because 704 shuts that down asap lol. That's not to say he doesn't overstep - locking 704 in a room (even if to protect him) is just an example of that. But I hope that Gemseum and 704 will develop their transactionary type of relationship into a geniune one that's healthy and properly communicated lol

    blueninja89 July 31, 2020 10:01 pm
    yeah i didn't touch into that in my post because i just wanted to talk about his good hearted intentions, and not so much their consequences. But I 100% agree - especially in the Manga community there's so many... space_ex

    And I totally get you and think the same for the most part the same in hoping for development. Sorry if I got heated. I’m just tired of how unhealthy relationships and abuse are the bread and butter of BL. I was exposed to that kind of thinking way to early and knowing the vast ranges of ages who read and consume these kinds of narratives everyday, I hate how it’s internalized and told to us to love, appreciate, and accept everywhere we turn for our entertainment and even our daily lives. I’m not saying don’t enjoy these stories, just please be mindful.

    space_ex July 31, 2020 10:28 pm
    And I totally get you and think the same for the most part the same in hoping for development. Sorry if I got heated. I’m just tired of how unhealthy relationships and abuse are the bread and butter of BL. I ... blueninja89

    yes !!! yes i totally agree. you're right to get heated - it's important to look at these stories and realize that while the drama they produce is entertaining to consume, i hope no one has to go through any of these kinda fucked up relationships. tbh, even when Eunjae earlier in the chapter told San to stop and then San didn't.... like especially given the arc that just past, that's honestly the thing that's rubbed me the wrong way. There's so many times I've read on here that blurs the line of consent and that DOESNT acknowledge it??? like mayb Eunjae was just a little overstimulated and needed a pause but maybe he was triggered and NEEDED to stop..... idk man but i totally get your point. I've been reading manga since high school and it's easy to get used to the way these characters act but it's too much honestly. if u have any recs of more Wholesome manga pls lmk bc im LOOKING for purity lol

    blueninja89 August 1, 2020 3:00 am
    yes !!! yes i totally agree. you're right to get heated - it's important to look at these stories and realize that while the drama they produce is entertaining to consume, i hope no one has to go through any of... space_ex

    Maybe since you like In essence you like possessiveness of the dynamic of 704 x Geumsun maybe you’ll like this rec if you haven’t read already. It has that possessive love feel but actual great character development and progression. Also actual mutual respect for one another early on.

    space_ex August 1, 2020 3:04 am
    Maybe since you like In essence you like possessiveness of the dynamic of 704 x Geumsun maybe you’ll like this rec if you haven’t read already. It has that possessive love feel but actual great character de... blueninja89

    "mutual respect from early on" i am in Love, thank u pal !! if u ever wanna chat my inbox is always open :-)

    blueninja89 August 1, 2020 3:29 am
    "mutual respect from early on" i am in Love, thank u pal !! if u ever wanna chat my inbox is always open :-) space_ex

    <3 it’s a pleasure.