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kora chan July 30, 2020 12:31 am

This is my theory ....(● ̄(エ) ̄●)
Okay so what if this whole mail man business corp whatever it is just some training ground where they can find candidate's for an experiment to turn them into human hybrids. Cause they be tested for physical and written tests to find the most outstanding amongst them, and as a mail man isn't that already kind of weird in it's self (idk)? This could be to find potential candidates for the experiment! Kind of like for a scholar ship or honor roll they find students who preform the best to meet the requirements of becoming one, in this case the special position that's promised to the most outstanding mailman. And what if they came up with this so the government wouldn't become that suspish if they disappeared because it could pass off as them getting placed elsewhere for work? Cuz that blue haired guy was a human before remember? Now he is a hybrid? Nuh uh that don't make no sense at all (Sorry i suck at remembering names ╥﹏╥). But what i am trying to figure out is who is the one pulling the strings in this operation? (If this theory is true btw) and why are they wanting to bring jimmy (this is the only name i remember off the bat because is the mc) back? They didn't bring red head back? (Again sorry for the names) are they trying to do more experiments, on jimmy? Is it maybe because he was the youngest who was the most clinically successful as well as the youngest with the best results? Are they trying to bring him back to further achieve something and if yes what would it be? (Again if this theory comes out to be true? Also are all these kids who were in the picture who were experimented on (just a guess on the experimentation) as well abandoned? Orphaned? Or even taken from their parents by force?
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Also wow this is really something else with the plot, truly genuine and has endless fluff, as well as hardships that do exist do it makes readers have both sympathy and empathy for the characters. Also I really hope jimmy is safe, i swear if anything happens to him i am disowning my self from the human race regardless of this is fiction or not which in all honesty i don't mind doing because we got some human beings on earth who really wanna make me rethink which species i identify as. Just saying if anything happens to him i will now identify as a female OTAKU. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

Sorry for being all over the place and getting ahead of my self with this comment i just couldn't hold myself back anymore!(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    fabroa July 30, 2020 10:23 am

    I think that your right too, i always thought it was weird that they had so many tests for mailmen... like all they do is deliver mail it’s not that serious lmao