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Same gender dreams

I don't like. Me July 27, 2020 8:45 am

So I'm not too sure about my sexuality, but recently I had two particular dreams right after I read yuri and yaoi about the same gender sex. One of them was just kissing someone in my class who I never really thought much of,she's a shy and introverted kid, so we were in a car and kissed and she turned into this monster alien kind of thingy and another person saw us and thought it was sexual harassment and I got caught by the police. The other one was also in a car and it was all out,like there was everything. But I've never really thought much of them like one if them I'm very close to. Like we're both loud and obnoxious and get along pretty well. So like does it define my sexuality or anything. Like these were the first two times I've had a dream about the same gender and all.... and I real yuri and yaoi the day before. So maybe i was affected by what i read or something? Help... please?

    CrazyVillian July 27, 2020 8:51 am

    1st i think u have car sex fetish ngl
    2nd you might be either pan or bi considering you dreamt of both sex but that doesn’t necessarily mean it, it might be just a weird ass dream that doesn’t have a meaning. I would suggest reading more about sexualities and exploring which you prefer best. Of course it takes time so be patient. Its natural to be confused about stuff like these, if none of these work try actually dating and see which works best.

    I don't like. Me July 27, 2020 8:57 am
    1st i think u have car sex fetish ngl 2nd you might be either pan or bi considering you dreamt of both sex but that doesn’t necessarily mean it, it might be just a weird ass dream that doesn’t have a meanin... CrazyVillian

    Ok In my defence in the first dream it was just a peck on the lips. In the second dream it was weird as f*ck and I don't remember half of what happened . Ok so I might have a fetish....

    CrazyVillian July 27, 2020 8:58 am
    1st i think u have car sex fetish ngl 2nd you might be either pan or bi considering you dreamt of both sex but that doesn’t necessarily mean it, it might be just a weird ass dream that doesn’t have a meanin... CrazyVillian

    Oops just read same gender. My bad haha, anyways if its same gender you might just also be gay like i said, just explore around and be patient. Sexuality can also change with time along with preferences so its only natural that its hard to find it out.

    I don't like. Me July 27, 2020 8:58 am
    1st i think u have car sex fetish ngl 2nd you might be either pan or bi considering you dreamt of both sex but that doesn’t necessarily mean it, it might be just a weird ass dream that doesn’t have a meanin... CrazyVillian

    And also she turned into this skinless alien and I was dragged of by the police

    I don't like. Me July 27, 2020 9:01 am
    Oops just read same gender. My bad haha, anyways if its same gender you might just also be gay like i said, just explore around and be patient. Sexuality can also change with time along with preferences so its ... CrazyVillian

    But like I've had a lot of guy crushes before, so I thing a swing on both sides?

    limey July 27, 2020 9:05 am

    before i officially knew i was bi i had already known i liked girls a lil bit but what really told me was when i had a provocative dream with the same sex. this is just me but i think your subconscious might be trying to tell you your attracted to that sex. also about the friend one i don’t really know I’ve had dreams like that with a close friend of mine too but i can’t say i really like her like that.

    crispy July 27, 2020 10:35 am

    dreams are wonky man. im straight but ive had a couple of gay dreams, whether it be sexual or not. i guess you can experiment with dating to see what your sexuality really is.

    I don't like. Me July 27, 2020 10:45 am

    Ok I haven't told the second one on detail her mom was with us in the car going somewhere and then she got out of the car said she'll be back and then the thing happened

    Anonym2003 July 27, 2020 11:20 am

    It could be that you’re pansexual, bisexual or homosexual. But not necessarily. When it comes to dreams, we tend to have dreams about recent thoughts or a short lasting feeling. Due to that reason there’s a possibility that you had those kind of dreams because you read yaoi and yuri. It could also be that you had a thought out of curiosity, about how it would’ve been to be attracted to someone with the same sex. Lastly, it’s really common to dream about someone you know, making out with them or just a slight kiss, even though you don’t necessarely feel attracted to them. As long as you feel an affection towards them, a tiny spark of curiosity, or you just admire them as a human being, that’s more than enough for you to dream a wet or romantic dream about them.
    Btw lol I just love how weird your dream turned out to be

    I don't like. Me July 27, 2020 12:03 pm
    It could be that you’re pansexual, bisexual or homosexual. But not necessarily. When it comes to dreams, we tend to have dreams about recent thoughts or a short lasting feeling. Due to that reason there’s a... Anonym2003

    I have been curious about it,since a girl said that the only two girl shed date was me and a friend of mine. And then she stared creepily at me for like weeks. So I distanced myself from her and then I thought what would have happened if I was gay so........ oh you should've seen the girl after the kis like it was like she had large freaking green eyes and like she slouched and it was so freaking weird like I could not wake up

    Anonym2003 July 27, 2020 1:09 pm
    I have been curious about it,since a girl said that the only two girl shed date was me and a friend of mine. And then she stared creepily at me for like weeks. So I distanced myself from her and then I thought ... I don't like. Me

    Woah, just a guess but I think she gave you a hint...and that you responded by distancing yourself, just a guess. Hahahaha, well, you should probably feel grateful it’s just a dream

    I don't like. Me July 27, 2020 1:59 pm
    Woah, just a guess but I think she gave you a hint...and that you responded by distancing yourself, just a guess. Hahahaha, well, you should probably feel grateful it’s just a dream Anonym2003

    But the girl saying that shed date me happened in real life and I still feel weird when talking to her

    Anonym2003 July 27, 2020 2:22 pm
    But the girl saying that shed date me happened in real life and I still feel weird when talking to her I don't like. Me

    Oh I almost forgot it, that’s fricking true...
    As long as you guys don’t make it too awkward then it should be...okay enough to live with. But you don’t have to make a big deal out of it, creepy crushes do fade away with time too lol
    Just don’t be too friendly so that she won’t misunderstand you and you’ll stay safe